National Institute of Technology Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

Miscellaneous Tenders (Closed)

Closed Miscellaneous Tenders

Tender No Description Department Closing Date Contact Person
GEM/2025/B/59204 35
HIRING OF OFFICE ASSISTANTS THROUGH OUTSOURCED MODE (FIXED REMUNERATION)”AT NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROURKELA Purchase & Works 2025-02-28 02.00 PM Mrs. Swagatika Sahoo, Deputy Registrar (Purchase & Works),NIT Rourkela. Tele Phone No. 0661-246-2051,2080,2053. Email ID:
NITR/PW/SAC/2024 /340 Date: 17/12/2024
Tender for Supply of Food in Annual Sports Festival (VRIDDHI) at NIT Rourkela Student Activity Centre 2025-01-06 15:00 Hrs. Prof. Md. Khalid Gul, Student Activity Centre Games and Sports Society NIT Rourkela Ph. No.:0661-2462160 Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2024 /339 Date: 09/12/2024
Tender for Celebrity Night - 2025 at NIT Rourkela. Student Activity Centre 2024-12-30 11:00 AM Prof. B. B. Sahu, Student Activity Centre NIT Rourkela, Odisha - 769008 Ph. No.: 0661-2462160 Email:
NITR/PW/CONV/202 4/337 Date: 30/10/2024
Procurement of XXII Convocation Dress for NIT Rourkela. Registrar 2024-11-20 11:00 AM Prof. S. Mishra, FP Convener XXII Convocation Committee NIT Rourkela, Odisha - 769008 Ph. No.: 0661-2462901/2905 Email:
NITR/PW/2024/320 Date-22/03/2024
Tender for Providing Attendant Service through Outsourced mode in NIT Rourkela. Registrar 2024-04-18 11:00 AM Deputy Registrar (PW) NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-246-2051 Email:
NITR/PW/2024/318 Date-20/03/2024
Tender for Running of Institute Canteen Academic Area (First floor - Calorie Canteen) at NIT Rourkela. Registrar 2024-04-15 11:00 AM Prof. Md. Rajik Khan (ID), PIC On-Campus Business/ Dy. Registrar (Purchase & Works), NIT Rourkela. 0661- 246 2683/2051 Email: /
NITR/PW/2024/319 Date-22/03/2024
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for the supply of chemicals/solvents, glasswares, plasticwares, sequencing of biological samples, metals & gases. Registrar 2024-04-08 11:00 AM Deputy Registrar (PW) NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-246-2051 Email:
NITR/PW/RC-CH/20 24/317 Date-08/02/2024
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for the supply of chemicals/solvents, glasswares, plasticwares, sequencing of biological samples, metals & gases. Purchase & Works 2024-02-29 11:00 AM Deputy Registrar (Purchase and Works) NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-246-2051 Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2024 /316 Date: 25/01/2024
Tender for Celebrity Night - 2024 at National Institute of Technology Rourkela Student Activity Centre 2024-02-15 11:00 AM Prof. B. B. Sahu VP Film & Music Society Student Activity Centre National Institute of Technology Rourkela Ph. No.: 0661-2462782 Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2024 /315 Date: 16/01/2024
Tender for Pro-Show for NU-2024 At National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela – 769008. Student Activity Centre 2024-02-05 11:00 AM Prof. Winny Routray Vice President, LCS National Institute of Technology Rourkela Phone: 0661-2462914 Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2024 /314 Date: 16/01/2024
Tender for Stage, Light and Sound requirements for NU-2024 At National Institute Of Technology Rourkela – 769008. Student Activity Centre 2024-02-05 11:00 AM Prof. Winny Routray Vice President, LCS National Institute of Technology Rourkela Phone: 0661-2462914 Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2024 /313 Date: 16/01/2024
Tender for Accommodation Tent and Gate requirements for NU-2024 at National Institute of Technology Rourkela. Student Activity Centre 2024-02-05 11:00 AM Prof. Winny Routray Vice President, LCS National Institute of Technology Rourkela Phone: 0661-2462914
NITR/PW/SAC/2024 /312 Date: 04/01/2024
Tender for Supply of Food for INTER NIT SPORTS at National Institute of Technology Rourkela. Student Activity Centre 2024-01-25 09:00 AM Dr. R.K. Mohapatra Vice-President, G & S Student Activity Centre NIT Rourkela, Odisha - 08 Phone: 0661 2462366 Email:
NITR/PW/2023/310 Date: 21/12/2023
Tender for Running of the Institute Canteen, Academic Area (Ground Floor) at NIT Rourkela. Registrar 2024-01-22 11:00 AM Prof. Md. Rajik Khan (ID), PIC On-Campus Business/Dy. Registrar (Purchase & Works), NIT Rourkela. 0661- 246 2683/2051 Email: /
NITR/PW/SAC/2023 /311 Date: 22/12/2023
Tender for Printing of Souvenir (UG-PG)-2023 of NIT Rourkela. Student Activity Centre 2024-01-11 11:00 AM Prof. Winny Routrary Vice-President (Literary Society) STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE; NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha; Phone: 0661-2462160; Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2023 /309 Date-30/11/2023
Tender for Multi Ethnic Event 2024 at NIT Rourkela Student Activity Centre 2023-12-21 11.00 AM Prof. B. B. Sahu VP, Film & Music Society Student Activity Centre NIT Rourkela Phone No.: 0661-2462366 Email:
NITR/PW/CONV/202 3/306 Date:18/08/2023
Tender for procurement of XXI Convocation Dress at NIT Rourkela Registrar 2023-09-11 11.00 AM Prof. Santosh Kumar Sahoo National Institute of Technology Rourkela Ph. No.: 0661-2462566 Email:
NITR/PW/2023/304 Date-13/07/2023
Tender for Hiring of Multi Utility Vehicle (5 seater) at NIT Rourkela Registrar 2023-08-03 11.00 AM Dr. Anil Kumar Singh [Safety & Security Service] NIT Rourkela- 769008 Ph.No.: 0661-2462731 Email :
NITR/PW/2023/302 Date-06/07/2023
Tender for Running of Institute Canteen behind SSB Hall of Residence at NIT Rourkela Registrar 2023-08-01 11.00 AM PIC On Campus Business / Deputy Registrar (PW) NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-246-2051; Email:
NITR/PW/2023/301 Date-09/05/2023
Tender for Running of the Institute Canteen, Academic Area (First Floor) at NIT Rourkela Registrar 2023-06-01 11.00 AM Prof. Md. Rajik Khan (ID), PIC On-campus Business / Assistant Registrar (Purchase & Works) Ph. No.:0661-246-2683/2051 Email Id: /
NITR/PW/SAC/2023 /300 Date: 10/04/2023
Tender for Celebrity Night - 2023 at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela. Student Activity Centre 2023-04-24 11.00 AM Prof.B.B. Sahu Vice-President (Film & Music Society) STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-2462160; Email:
NITR/PW/CW/2023/ 297 Date-15/02/2023
Tender for Houskeeping and Sanitation contract for Halls of Residence (Hostels) at NIt Rourkela. Chief Warden Office 2023-03-16 11:00 AM Prof. Niranjan Panda, (Chief Warden) National Institute of Technology Rourkela - 769008 Ph:- 0661-246-5001 Email Id:
NITR/PW/SAC/2023 /299 Date-23/02/2023
Tender for Celebrity Night - 2023 at NIT Rourkela. Student Activity Centre 2023-03-15 11:00 AM Prof. P. S. Balaji (Vice President, Film & Music Society) Student Activity Centre, National Institute of Technology Rourkela - 769008 Phone- 0661-2462160
NITR/PW/CW/2023/ 298 Date-15/02/2023
Tender for Providing Mess Catering Service to various Halls of Residence at NIT Rourkela. Chief Warden Office 2023-03-14 11:00 AM Prof. Niranjan Panda (Chief Warden) National Institute of Technology Rourkela - 769008 Ph: 0661-246-5001 Email id:
NITR/PW/CC/2023/ 292 Date-03/01/2023
Tender for Internet Leased Line of 2.01 Gbps contract of the Institute with three years warranty at Computer Centre, NIT Rourkela. Computer Centre 2023-03-09 10:00 AM Prof. Manish Okade (HOD) Department of Computer Centre NIT Rourkela - 769008 Ph:- 0661-246-2671/2670 Email:
NITR/PW/2023/295 Date- 20/01/2023
Tender for Hiring of Vehicle on Lease Basis at NIT Rourkela. Registrar 2023-02-13 11:00 AM PIC [Transport Service (TR)]/ Assistant Registrar (PW) National Institute of Technology, Rourkela - 769008 Ph:.0661-246-2729/2051 Email :
NITR/PW/RC-VEHIC LE/2023/294 Dated- 20/01/2023
Tender for Hiring of Vehicle for National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (NITR) on rate contract basis. Registrar 2023-02-13 11:00 AM PIC (Transport Service)/ Assistant Registrar (Purchase & Works) National Institute of Technology, Rourkela - 769008 Ph. no :- 0661- 246-2729/2051 Email: /
NITR/PW/SA/2023/ 293, Date-03/01/2023
Tender for Printing of Souvenir (UG-PG) - 2022 of NIT Rourkela. Student Activity Centre 2023-01-23 11:00 AM Prof. Winny Routrary Vice-President (Literary Society), Student Activity Centre, NIT Rourkela, Odisha - 769008, Ph. No.: 0661-246 2160, Email Id:
NITR/PW/CC/2023/ 292 Date-03/01/2023
Tender for Internet Leased Line of 2.01 Gbps contract of the Institute with three years warranty at Computer Centre, NIT Rourkela. Computer Centre 2023-01-23 03:00 PM Prof. Manish Okade HOD, Department of Computer Centre, NIT Rourkela, Odisha - 769008, Ph. No.: 0661-246-2670/2671, Email Id:
NITR/PW/2022/291 Date-21/12/2022
Tender for Running of Grocery Shop (Near Main Gate) at NIT Rourkela. Registrar 2023-01-11 11:00 AM Prof. Md Rajik Khan, PIC On Campus Business/Assistant Registrar (PW) NIT Rourkela, Odisha - 769008 Ph. No.: 0661-246-2111/2051 Email Id:
NITR/PW/2022/290 Date-19/12/2022
Tender for Outsourced Pharmacy at Health Centre, NIT Rourkela. Registrar 2023-01-09 11:00 AM Dr. Champak Bhattacharyya, HOD Health Centre NIT Rourkela Rourkela - 769008 (Odisha) Email Id-
NITR/PW/SAC/2022 /289 Date-16/12/2022
Tender for Light & Sound Arrangement for Multi-ethnic - 2023 at NIT Rourkela. Student Activity Centre 2023-01-05 11:00 AM Prof. Kaustav Chaudhury Vice-President (Technical Society) STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE; NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha; Phone: 0661-2462160; Email:
NITR/PW/CC/2022/ 17 Date-21/10/2022
Tender for Facility Management Service for PC HELP DESK for 3 years at Computer Centre, NIT Rourkela. Computer Centre 2022-11-24 11:00 AM Prof. Manish Okade, HOD, Computer & Informatics Centre, NIT Rourkela - 769008 Ph:.0661-246-2670/2671 Email :
NITR/PW/CC/2022/ 16 Date-21/10/2022
Facility Management Service for Server Management for 3 years at Computer & Informatics Centre, NIT Rourkela Computer Centre 2022-11-24 11:00 AM Prof. Manish Okade, Department of Computer Centre, NIT Rourkela - 769008 Ph:.0661-246-2670/2671 Email :
NITR/PW/CC/2022/ 15 Date-21/10/2022
Tender for Facility Management Service for Computer Network Management for 3 years at Computer & Informatics Centre, NIT Rourkela Computer Centre 2022-11-24 11:00 AM Prof. Manish Okade, Department of Computer Centre, NIT Rourkela - 769008 Ph:.0661-246-2670/2671 Email :
NITR/PW/CC/2022/ 14 Date-14/10/2022
Tender for Renewal of Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for 3 Stulz Precision Air-Conditioner -SEC 301 A - 7.5 Tr for 3 years Computer Centre 2022-11-21 11:00 AM Prof. Manish Okade HOD, Department of Computer Centre NIT Rourkela - 769008, Odisha Phone No.: 0661-246 2671 Email:
NITR/PW/GH/2022/ 286 Date-26/10/2022
Tender for Guest House (South Block & North Block) management, maintenance, Housekeeping & in house catering service at NIT Rourkela. Guest House 2022-11-16 11:00 AM Prof. B.G. Mishra, PIC (Guest House) NIT Rourkela - 769008 Ph. No- 0661-246-2659/4040 Email Id:- -
NITR/PW/2022/285 Date-13/10/2022
Tender for Running of The Institute Canteen "The Hexagon" in front of G.D Birla Hall of Residence at NIT Rourkela Registrar 2022-11-03 11:00 AM PIC (On-campus Business)/Assistant Registrar (PW) NIT Rourkela - 769008, Odisha Phone No.: 0661-246 2453/2051 Email:
NITR/PW/SA/2022/ 286 Date-21/10/2022
Tender for Pro-Show for Innovision - 2022 at NIT Rourkela Student Activity Centre 2022-11-02 11:00 AM Prof. Kaustav Chaudhury Vice-President (Technical Society) STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE; NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha; Phone: 0661-2462160; Email:
NITR/PW/RC-VEHIC LE/2022/282 Date-22/07/2022
Tender for Hiring of Vehicle on Rate Contract Basis at NIT Rourkela Registrar 2022-10-13 11:00 AM Assistant Registrar Purchase & Works Section NIT Rourkela Rourkela - 769008, Odisha Phone No.: 0661-246-2051 Email:
NITR/PW/2022/284 Date-20/09/2022
Tender for Hiring of Vehicle on Lease Basis at NIT Rourkela Registrar 2022-10-12 11:00 AM PIC [Transport Service (TR)]/Assistant Registrar (PW) National Institute of Technology Rourkela - 769008 Ph. No.: 0661-246-2729/2051 Email Id:
NITR/PW/2022/L/0 423 Date-28/07/2022
Tender for rate contract for printing jobs at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Registrar 2022-08-24 11:00 AM Assistant Registrar (Purchase & Works) National Institute of Technology Rourkela- 769008 Ph. No:- 0661- 2462051 Email:
NITR/PW/2022/281 Date-22/07/2022
Tender for Running of the Institute Canteen beyond SSB Halls of Residence at NIT Rourkela Registrar 2022-08-16 11:00 AM Assistant Registrar Purchase & Works Section NIT Rourkela Rourkela - 769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-246-2051 Email:
NITR/PW/2022/280 Dated-20/06/2022
Tender for Service of Outsourced Pharmacy at Health Centre, NIT Rourkela Health Centre 2022-08-08 11:00 AM Dr. Champak Bhattacharyya HOD, Health Centre NIT Rourkela,Odisha -769008 0661-246-2111 Email Id: /
NITR/PW/2022/278 Date:26/04/2022
Tender for rate contract for printing jobs at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Registrar 2022-06-13 11:00 AM Assistant Registrar (Purchase & Works) National Institute of Technology Rourkela- 769008 Ph. No:- 0661- 2462051/2082 Email:
NITR/PW/2022/279 Date-06/05/2022
The National Institute of Technology Rourkela invites bids/proposal from the eligible bidders for Lease of various shops at NIT Rourkela. Registrar 2022-05-26 11:00 AM Prof. Md Rajik Khan(ID) PIC, On-campus Business/ Assistant Registrar (PW) NIT Rourkela - 769008 Phone No.: 0661-2462051
NITR/PW/2022/09 Date:11/04/2022
The National Institute of Technology invites sealed bids from competent & reputed agency/individuals for Hiring of Vehicle on Lease Basis Registrar 2022-05-25 05:00 PM PADA [Transport Service (TR)] National Institute of Technology, Rourkela - 769008 Ph:.0661-246-2561/4040 Email : OR Assistant Registrar (Purchase and Works) NIT Rourkela, Rourkela-769008 Ph. No.: 0661-2462051 Email:
NITR/PW/2022/10 Date: 12/04/2022
NIT Rourkela invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders for providing services of a Lady Nurse & a Dresser to the Institute Registrar 2022-05-18 11:00 AM Assistant Registrar Purchase and Works Section NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-2462051; Email:
NITR/PW/SA/2022/ 08 Date: 02/04/2022
Celebrity Night-2022 at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela. Student Activity Centre 2022-04-18 11:00 AM Mr. Nalini Nihar Nayak SAS Officer STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE Mobile No. 9937556626 Prof. P.S. Balaji Vice-President (Film & Music Society) STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-2462160; Email:
NITR/PW/2022/06 Date-18/03/2022
Tender for Service of Outsourced Pharmacy at Health Centre, NIT Rourkela Health Centre 2022-04-07 11:00 AM Dr. Champak Bhattacharyya HOD, Health Centre NIT Rourkela - 769008 Odisha Ph. No.: 0661-246-2111 Email Id:
NITR/PW/SA/2022/ 04 Date-10/03/2022
Tender for Comedy Night at Pro-Show for INNOVISION and NIRUSTAV-2022 in Virtual mode at NIT Rourkela Student Activity Centre 2022-03-29 11:00 AM Prof.P.S.Balaji Vice-President (Film & Music Society) Student Activity Centre NIT Rourkela - 769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-246-2160 Email:
NITR/PW/LS/2022/ 02 Date-28/02/2022
Procurement of Non-Comprehensive Service Contract for MALVERN ZETASIZER NANO ZS90 and supply of Consumable Items at dept. of Life Science Life Science 2022-03-07 11:00 AM Prof. Bismita Nayak, Department of Life Science NIT Rourkela - 769008 Ph:.0661-2462682 Email :
NITR/SR/HEFA144- MM/2022/L/091
Procurement of Fact Sage Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 2022-03-04 18:00 Prof. Archana Mallik Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela Odisha 769 008 Tel. #: 0661 -246-2558
NITR/SR/HEFA289- MN/2021/L/85 dt.06.12.2021
Procurement of SOUND PLAN Mining Engineering 2021-12-27 18:00 Prof. B.K Pal Department of Mining Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela-769 008, Odisha 0661- 246 2605 Email:
NITR/PW/CC/2021/ 273 DT: 17/11/2021
RATE CONTRACT FOR PASSIVE NETWORKING WORK FOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROURKELA Computer Centre 2021-12-08 11:00 AM Prof. Manish Okade, Head, CC; Ph: 0661-2462671, email:
NITR/SR/HEFA256- CS/2021/L/068 dt.24.09.2021
Procurement of Real Time Operating Systems Computer Science and Engineering 2021-10-15 18:00 Dr. Arun Kumar Department of Computer Science Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha-769008 Mob No:- 0661-2462373 Email:-
NITR/PW/2021/263 Dated: 27/08/2021
The National Institute of Technology, Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for providing “Attendant Service”. Registrar 2021-09-21 11:00 AM Asst. Registrar (Purchase and Works) NIT Rourkela, Rourkela-769008 Ph. No.: 0661-2462051/2082; Email:
NITR/SR/HEFA043- MN/2021/L/053 dt. 25.08.2021
Procurement of Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) accessory Mining Engineering 2021-09-15 15:00 Prof. D.S.Nimaje Department of Mining Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela Odisha 769 008 Tel. #: 0661 -246-2604 Email:
NITR/SR/HEFA057- MM/2021/L/030 dt.10.06.2021
Procurement of Materials Studio Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 2021-07-01 15:00 Prof. Snehanshu Pal Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela Odisha 769 008 Tel. #: 0661 -246-2573
NITR/PW/RG/2021/ 256 Dated- 09/04/2021
Selection of Agency for conducting Computer Based Test for the purpose of Recruitment of different posts in NIT Rourkela Registrar 2021-06-25 05:00 PM Deputy Registrar (F&A) NIT Rourkela- 769008 Ph. No:- 0661- 2462041/2020 E-mail: /
NITR/PW/FTBI/202 1/259 Dated: 12/05/2021
Lease of FTBI Cafeteria at TIIR building of NIT Rourkela. Centre for Technology Innovation and Industry Relations 2021-06-02 11:00 AM Prof. Debayan Sarkar, PIC, FTBI, NIT Rourkela 0661- 2462230/2231
NITR/SR/HEFA035- MN/2021/L/017 dt 01.04.2021
Procurement of ArcGIS Software Mining Engineering 2021-04-23 15:00 Prof. Amit Kumar Gorai Department of Mining Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela Odisha 769 008 Tel. #: 0661 -246-2615 Email:
NITR/SR/HEFA034- MN/2021/L/016 dt. 26.03.2021
Procurement of Erdas Imagine Software Mining Engineering 2021-04-16 15:00 HRS Prof. Amit Kumar Gorai Department of Mining Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela Odisha 769 008 Tel. #: 0661 -246-2615 Email:
NITR/PW/EOI/2021 /04 Dated: 15/01/2021
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR THE DESIGN AND PREPARATION OF DIAMOND JUBILEE MONUMENT Registrar 2021-02-01 11:00 AM Prof. Abanti Sahoo Dean (AIIR) Contact No.: 0661-2462-258 (O) Email:
NITR/PW/EOI/2021 /03 Dated: 15/01/2021
NIT, Rourkela invitEXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) for submission of Detailed Project Report(DPR) OF DIAMOND JUBILEE MONUMENT Registrar 2021-02-01 11:00 AM Prof. Abanti Sahoo Dean (AIIR) Contact No.: 0661-2462-258 (O) Email:
NITR/PW/2020/217 dated 24/12/2020
Tender for providing Desk Assistance in NIT Rourkela Registrar 2021-01-15 11.00 AM Assistant Registrar, Purchase and Works Section, Phone:0661-2462051 Email:
Invitation for Expression of Interest for Elevators Estate & Maintenance and Consruction Services 2020-12-28 15.00 Hrs Er. R.K. Sahoo, Executive Engineer (Elect.) Email: Mob: 9439966656
NITR/PW/SAC/2020 /207 Date- 20/11/2020
Tender for Venue Preparation and other related works for Convocation-2021, for NIT Rourkela. Student Activity Centre 2020-12-11 05:00 PM Prof. Priyabata Dash Convener, Convocation -2021 Mobile No. 8895121141 For Technical queries: Mr. N.N.Nayak, SAS Officer, Ph.NO. : 0661-246-2061 Email:
NITR/PW/2020/206 Dated- 13/11/2020
Tender for lease of various shops in shopping complex at NIT Rourkela. Registrar 2020-12-07 03:00 PM Prof. S.K.Patra(LS) PIC, On-campus Business/ Asst. Registrar (Purchase &Works), NIT Rourkela. 0661- 246 2683/2051/2082
NITR/PW/EOI/2020 /02 Dated: 23/10/2020
NIT, Rourkela invites EOI from the eligible agencies/ bidders for the design and preparation of Diamond Jubilee Monument to be installed. Registrar 2020-11-11 11:00 AM Prof. Abanti Sahoo Dean (AIIR) Contact No.: 0661-2462-258 (O) Email: &
NITR/PW/CONV/202 0/197 Dated: 24/09/2020
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for the procurement of Convocation Dress-XVIII Academic Section 2020-10-15 03:00 PM Prof. Manas Ranjan Tripathy , MA; Ph: +91-661-2462707; Email:
NITR/PW/2020/191 Dated: 14.07.2020
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for printing of Annual Report for the year 2019-20. Registrar 2020-08-04 03:00 PM Mr. P.K. Panda, Deputy Registrar (PW) Ph: 0661-246-2051/2082 Email:
EOI Notification No: NITR/ PW/EOI/2020/01 Dated:01/02/2020
NIT Rourkela invites EOI for carrying out HVAC(High-End-Equipment) work. Estate Office 2020-06-29 03:00 PM Prof. S. Murugan, PIC[HVAC], NIT Rourkela Email-Id:; Mob-9437140949
NITR/PW/SA/2020/ 55 Dated: 28/04/2020
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for Tender for ONLINE COUNSELLING SERVICES Others 2020-05-20 03:00 PM Prof. K C Pati Professor-in-charge (Institute Counselling Services) NIT Rourkela, Rourkela-769008 Ph. No.: 0661- 2462710 Email: /
NITR/PW/CW/2020/ 46 Dated: 18/03/2020
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for providing mess catering to the various halls of residence Chief Warden Office 2020-05-14 11:00 AM Prof. S. K. Pratihar, CR; Ph: +91-661-2465001 Email:
NITR/PW/2020/40 Dated: 04/03/2020
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible shortlisted bidders for selection of Technology Provider (TP) to setup a COE Registrar 2020-05-06 03:00 PM Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela- 769008 Ph. No:- 0661- 246-2021/247-6773; Email-Id:
NITR/PW/CC/2020/ 45 Dt: 17/03/2020
Bids are invited for supply of Passive Networking Work at Computer Center, NIT Rourkela. Computer Centre 2020-04-29 11:00 AM Prof. Bibhudatta Sahoo, Head, CC; Ph:. 0661-246-2671 email :
NITR/PW/2020/29 Dated: 19/02/2020
The National Institute of Technology, Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders against Tender for Auxiliary Services. Registrar 2020-03-11 11:00 AM Dy. Registrar, Purchase and Works Section, NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-2462051; Email:
NITR/PW/SA/2020/ 33 Dated: 24/02/2020
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for Tender for Pro Show on 14th March 2020 in NITRUtsav 2020 Student Activity Centre 2020-03-10 03:00PM Prof. Sambit Bakshi, Vice-President, Literary and Cultural Society STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE Ph. No. 06612462371/ Email :
NITR/PW/SA/2020/ 26 Dated: 12/02/2020
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for Tender for Stage Decoration and Box Gate for NITRUtsav- 2020 Student Activity Centre 2020-03-04 03:00 PM Mr. N.N.Nayak SAS Officer, STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE 0661-246-2174/2160 Email Id:
NITR/PW/SAC/2020 /24 Dated: 11/02/2020
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for Tender for light and sound arrangement for NITRUtsav- 2020 Student Activity Centre 2020-03-03 03:00 PM Prof. Upendra Gundala Vice President , Literary Society STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTER Ph No. 0661-2462160
NITR/PW/SAC/2020 /16 Dated: 29/01/2020
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for tender for Celebrity Night-2020 Student Activity Centre 2020-02-24 11:00 AM Prof. R N Behera Vice-President, Film & Music Society STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE Ph. No. 06612462348/ Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2020 /02 Dated: 03/01/2020
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for Tender for fooding for All India Inter-Nit Tournament- 2020 Student Activity Centre 2020-01-16 11:00 AM Dr. T.R.Patnaik, SAS OFFICER STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-2462172; Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2019 /184 Dated: 23/12/2019
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for Tender For Light And Sound Arrangement For Cosmopolitan-2020 Student Activity Centre 2020-01-06 03:00 PM Prof.R.N.Behera Vice-President (Film and Music Society) STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-2462160; Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2019 /183 Dated: 20/12/2019
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for Tender For Stage And Ambience Design With Ethnic Work Student Activity Centre 2020-01-06 11:00 AM Prof.S.N.Alam Vice-President (Film and Music Society) STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-2462160; Email:
EOI No.: NITR/PW /2019/01 Dated 08.11.2019
“Expression of Interest (EOI)” is invited for selection of Technology Provider to setup a Centre of Excellence for imparting high-end skill etc. Registrar 2019-11-29 03:00 PM Registrar, NITR Rourkela: Ph:0661-2462021/247 6773; Email:
NITR/PW/2019/157 Dated: 21/10/2019
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for Running Of The Institute canteen “The Hexagon” (In front of G.D Birla Hall of Residence) Registrar 2019-11-18 03:00 PM Prof. S.K.Patra(LS) PIC, On-campus Business/ Dy. Registrar (Purchase &Works), NIT Rourkela. 0661- 246 2683/2051/2082 Email: / /
NITR/PW/2019/156 Dated: 21/10/2019
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for Tender For Running of the Institute Canteen (Ground Floor & First Floor) Registrar 2019-11-18 03:30 PM Prof. S.K.Patra(LS) PIC, On-campus Business/ Dy. Registrar (Purchase &Works), NIT Rourkela. 0661- 246 2683/2051/2082 Email: / /
NITR/PW/2019/645 Dated: 16.10.2019
Bids are invited from eligible, registered and authorized Agencies/bidder(s) for Empanelment and Annual Rate Contract for supply of Chemical etc. Registrar 2019-11-11 03:00PM Deputy Registrar(P&W), NITR: Ph:0661-2462051; Email:
NITR/PW/2019/155 Dated: 17.10.2019
The National Institute of Technology, Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for printing of Annual Report 2018-19 Registrar 2019-11-07 11:00 AM Mr. P.K. Panda, Deputy Registrar (PW) Ph: 0661-246-2051/2082 Email:
NITR/PW/2019/L/0 634 Dated: 04/10/2019
NITR invites bids from the eligible bidders for Tender for rate contract for printing jobs of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (NITR) Registrar 2019-10-30 11:00 AM Deputy Registrar (Purchase & Works) National Institute of technology, Rourkela -769008 Ph No:- 0661- 2462051 Email:
NITR/PW/CW/2019/ 150 Dated: 03/10/2019
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for providing mess catering services to the various halls of residence of the Institute Chief Warden Office 2019-10-30 11:00 AM Prof. S. K. Pratihar Chief Warden; NIT Rourkela Ph: +91-661-246-5001 Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2019 /148 DATED- 30/09/2019
NITR invites bids from the eligible bidders against Tender for the supply of foods during annual sports festival (VRIDDHI) Student Activity Centre 2019-10-21 11:00 AM Dr.T.R.Patnaik,SAS OFFICER STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone No.:- 0661-246-2172
NITR/PW/SAC/2019 /151 Dated: 04/10/2019
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for Tender for PRO-SHOW (INNOVISION-2019) Student Activity Centre 2019-10-18 05:00 PM Prof.S.K.Behera Vice-President(Technical Society) STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTRE NIT Rourkela-769008, Odisha Phone: 0661-246-2160;
Tender Notificat ion No: NITR/PW/AC/2019/144 Dated: 13/09/2019
NITR invites bids from the eligible bidders for printing and supply of Main and Additional Answer Books for Examination Academic Section 2019-10-14 12:00 PM Mr. Ashis Kumar Behera, Assistant Registrar Academic Section 1st Floor, NIT Rourkela, Odisha, India – 769 008 Email:
NITR/PW/CONV/201 9/142 Dated 09/09/2019
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for the procurement of Convocation Dress -XVII Convo. Convocation 2019-09-23 11:00 AM Prof. Manas Ranjan Tripathy , MA; Ph: +91-661-2462707; Email:
NITR/PW/2019/135 Dated: 17/07/2019
NITR invites bids from registered, licensed, experienced pharmacy license holders for service of outsourced pharmacy at Health Centre, NIT Rkl Purchase & Works 2019-08-19 11:00 AM Dr. Champak Bhattacharyya HOD, Health Centre/ Dy.Registrar(P&W) NIT Rourkela,Odisha -769008 0661246-3111/2051/2082 Email Id: /
NITR/PW/2019/134 Dated: 17/07/2019
The National Institute of Technology, Rourkela invites bids/proposal from the eligible bidders for lease of various shops in shopping complex Purchase & Works 2019-08-19 11:00 AM Prof. S.K.Patra(LS) PIC, On-campus Business/ Dy. Registrar (Purchase &Works), NIT Rourkela. 0661- 246 2683/2051/2082
NITR/PW/EM/2019/ 133 Dated: 10/07/2019
NIT Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for procurement of safety Items for chlorination system at WTP Estate Unit (Civil & Electrical) 2019-08-01 03:00 PM Mr. Joydip Mondal , PH; Ph:0661-246-2071; Email:
NITR/PW/2019/118 Dated: 17/05/2019
NITR invites bids from registered, licensed, experienced and reputed pharmacy license holders for service of outsourced pharmacy at Health Cntr. Purchase & Works 2019-06-12 11:00 AM Dr. Champak Bhattacharyya HOD, Health Centre/ Dy.Registrar(P&W) NIT Rourkela,Odisha -769008 0661246-2051/2082 Email Id:
NITR/PW/2019/117 Dated: 16/05/2019
The National Institute of Technology, Rourkela invites bids/proposal from the eligible bidders for lease of various shops in shopping complex Purchase & Works 2019-06-11 11:00 AM Prof. K.C.Biswal, Chairman, On-campus Business/Dy. Registrar (Purchase &Works), NIT Rourkela. 0661- 246 2051/2082 Email:
NITR/PW/2019/115 Dated: 08/05/2019
Tender for rate contract for printing jobs of National Institute of Technology , Rourkela (NITR). Registrar 2019-05-30 11:00 AM Deputy registrar(Purchase & Works) National Institute of technology Rourkela- 769008 Ph No:- 0661- 2462051/2082 Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2019 /112 Date: 11/04/2019
The National Institute of Technology, Rourkela invites bids from the eligible bidders for printing of Souvenir for UG/PG - 2019, for NIT Rourkela Student Activity Centre 2019-05-03 05:00 PM Prof. Rohan Dhiman, Vice President (Literary Society), SAC; Ph: 0661-2462780; 9337416293; Email:
NITR/PW/SAC/2019 /102 DATED 13/03/2019
Bids are invited through limited tender to organize Musical Night-2019 Student Activity Centre 2019-04-03 11:00 AM Prof. S.N. Alam, Vice-President (Art& Culture Society), SAC, NIT Rourkela-769008
NITR/PW/2018/81 Dated: 16.11.2018
Tender for printing of Annual Report of the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela for the year 2017-18 Registrar 2018-12-07 03:00 PM Mr. P.K. Panda, Deputy Registrar (PW) ; Ph: 0661-2462051 Email:
NITR/PW/CW/2018/ 70 Dated: 10/10/2018
Rate contract for the supply of sports items to NIT Rourkela Chief Warden Office 2018-11-05 03:00 PM Prof. S. K. Pratihar, CR; Ph: +91-661-2465001 Email:
NITR/PW/RC-VEHIC LE/2018/52 Dated 11/09/2018
Tender for Hiring of Vehicle for National Institute of Technology, Rourkela ( NITR) on rate contract basis Purchase & Works 2018-10-25 11:00 AM Mr. P.K. Panda, Deputy Registrar (P & W) , Ph. no :- 0661- 2462051 Email:
NITR/PW/FC/2018/ 49 Dated: 06/09/2018
procurement of furniture items for the use of faculty, staff and students of the Institute Registrar 2018-09-27 11:00 AM Prof. B.G. Mishra; Ph: 0661-246 2659; Email:
NITR/TQ-III/18/L /145
NITR/TQ-III/18/L /143
TENDER DOCUMENT FOR STATUTORY AUDIT TEQIP Office 2018-08-20 14.00 hr TEQIP Office Email: Phone: 0661-2462963
NITR/TQ-III/18/L /144
TENDER DOCUMENT FOR INTERNAL AUDIT TEQIP Office 2018-08-20 14.00 hr TEQIP Office Email: Phone: 0661-2462963
NITR/PW/EM//2018 /28 dated 22.05.2018
Electrical Works for development of infrastructural facilities of halls of residents, NIT, ROURKELA. Estate Unit (Civil & Electrical) 2018-06-12 11:00 AM Er. R.K. Sahoo, Engineer (Electrical), EM; Ph: 0661-2462089; Email:
NITR/PW/EM/2018/ 23 dated 04/05/2018
ELECTRICAL WORKS FOR INSTALLATION OF LED STREET LIGHTS IN FRA AND BF COMPLEX IN NIT, ROURKELA Estate Unit (Civil & Electrical) 2018-05-30 11:00AM Er. R.K. Sahoo, Engineer (Electrical), EM; Ph: 0661-2462089; Email:
NITR/PW/SA/2018/ 24 Date: 08.05.2018
Printing of UG and PG Souvenir Student Activity Centre 2018-05-15 11:00 AM Prof. Snehasish Charaverty NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROURKELA – 769008, Odisha Phone: 0661 – 2462160 E-mail:
: NITR/PW/2015/L /821 dated 11.12.2015
Enlistment of General Order Suppliers Purchase & Works 2018-03-31 06.00 PM Asst. Registrar (PW). ph: 0661-2462051 Email:
NITR/PW/CW/2017/ L/1667 dated 16.11.2017
Purchase of GYM Items Chief Warden Office 2017-12-06 5:50PM Prof. M.R. Barik Chief Warden NIT Rourkela-769008
NITR/PW/SA(G&S)/ 2017/1644, Date 03.11.2017
Games and Sports Items Student Activity Centre 2017-11-28 05:00 PM Dr. Pranakrishna Rout SAS Officer, Student Activity Centre, NIT Rourkela - 769008 Ph: 0661-2462171
NITR/PW/CH/2017/ 1645, Date 03.11.2017
Chemicals, Glasswares & Other Consumables Chemical Engineering 2017-11-25 3:30 PM Prof. B.Munshi Dept. of Chemical Engg., NIT, Rourkela – 769008 Phone: 0661 – 246-2265 Fax: 0661 – 2462999 E-mail:
NITR/PW/2017/L/3 65, Date 16.10.2017
Sport Items Chief Warden Office 2017-10-27 05:50 PM Prof. Surajit Das, Warden, MSS Hall, NIT Rourkela - 769008; Ph: 9556425605, Email:,
NITR/PW/Chemical -RC/2017/L/1548 dated 16.09.2017
Chemical RC Purchase & Works 2017-10-10 6 : 00 Dy. Registrar (PW), Nit Rourkela-769008
NITR/PW/2017/08, Dt. 13.07.2017
Hiring of Brand New Vehicle Bolero SLE (Diesel) on Lease Basis Purchase & Works 2017-08-09 12:30 PM Mr. P.K. Panda, Deputy Registrar(PW); Email:, Phone: 0661-2462051.
NITR/PW/2017/07, Dt. 13.07.2017
Hiring of Brand New Vehicle Tata Winger 2800 WB Flat Roof Non AC Ambulance on Lease Basis Purchase & Works 2017-08-09 12:30 PM Mr. P.K. Panda, Deputy Registrar(PW); Email:, Phone: 0661-2462051.
NITR/PW/EOI/2017 /L/1304, Dated 20.06.2017
Hiring of Nursing Services through Outsourced Services Purchase & Works 2017-07-31 05:00 PM Registrar, NIT Rourkela - 769008, Email:, Ph: 0661-2462021
NITR/BPCL/O/2017 /M/1172 17/05/2017
Empanelment of Vendors for supply of Print Periodicals Biju Pattnaik Central Library 2017-06-15 05.00 PM Dr B Gunjal (DL) Cont: 06612462101 Email:
NITR/PW/Tender/2 017/03 Dated: 02.05.2017
Tree plantation work at various locationsin the Institute Campus. Lawn & Garden 2017-05-15 01.00 PM Prof. (Mrs.) AbantiSahoo,(CH); PIC, Lawns & Gardens; Ph: 0661-2462258; Email:
NITR/PW/2015/L/8 21 Date: 11.12.2015
Enlistment of General Order Suppliers: Vendor Registration Registrar 2017-03-31 05.00 PM Asst. Registrar, Purchase & Works, Mail:
NITR/PW/2016/10 dated 01.12.2016
Hiring of Vehicle on Lease basis Registrar 2016-12-21 03.00 PM Asst Registrar (PW). Ph 0661-2462051.
Tender for Binding of Library Reading Materials and Empanelment of Vendor for Binding at NIT Rourkela Biju Pattnaik Central Library 2016-09-26 04:00 PM Head, Biju Patnaik Central Library National Institute of Technology Rourkela Rourkela- 769008, Odisha Email: Phone:0661-2462101
NITR/PW/2016/07 Dated: 08.06.16
tree plantation at various locations in the Institute Campus. Registrar 2016-06-28 03.00 PM Prof. (Mrs.) Abanti Sahoo,(CH); PIC, Lawns & Gardens; Ph: 0661-2462258; Email:
NITR/PW/2016/08, Dated: 08.06.16
lawn construction work at various locations in the Institute Campus. Registrar 2016-06-28 03.00 PM Prof. (Mrs.) Abanti Sahoo,(CH); PIC, Lawns & Gardens; Ph: 0661-2462258; Email:
NITR/PW/2016/06 Date:12.05.2016
Hiring of Brand New Vehicle on Lease Basis (Maruti Ciaz / Honda City). Registrar 2016-06-01 03.00 PM Mr. U.K. Biswal, AR (PW); Ph: 0661-2462051; Email:
NITR/PW/2016/05 Dated: 26.04.2016
for lease of various shops in Shopping Complex, NIT Rourkela Registrar 2016-05-20 03.00 PM (1) Mr. R.K. Sinha, Chairman(OCB); Ph: 0661-2462182; Email: (2) Mr. U.K. Biswal, AR (PW); Ph: 0661-2462051; Email:
NITR/TS/2016/04 Dated: 03.03.2016
Water Bodies: Development and Maintenance Registrar 2016-05-03 03.00 PM Assistant Registrar (TS), NIT Rourkela
NITR/TS/2016/02 Dated:25.01.2016
Running Canteen at NIT Rourkela. Registrar 2016-02-16 03.00 PM Mr. R.K. Sinha, Chairman (OCB); Ph: 0661-2462182; Email: (2) Mr. U.K. Biswal,AR (TS);Ph: 0661-2462051;Email:
opening of an outsourced pharmacy at the Health Centre, NIT Rourkela Registrar 2016-02-10 03.00 PM Mr. R.K. Sinha, Chairman (OCB); Ph: 0661-2462182; Email: (2) Mr. U.K. Biswal, AR (TS);Ph: 0661-2462051;Email:
tree plantation work at various locations in the Institute Campus Registrar 2015-06-23 03.00 PM Prof. (Mrs.) Abanti Sahoo, (CH); PIC, Lawns & Gardens; Ph: 0661-2462258; Email:
NITR/ SA / SASO (G&S)/2014 /L/503 dt.27.05.2014
LIST OF SPORTS MATERIALS TO BE PURCHASED FOR 2014-15 Student Activity Centre 2014-06-23 03.00 PM Dr. Pranakrishna Rout Student Activity and Sports Officer Student Activity Centre National Institute of Technology, Rourkela – 769 008 Phone: 0661-2462171
NITR/PW/14/VRG/1 753 dt.12.04.2014
Enlistment of General Order Suppliers Registrar 2014-06-12 05.00 PM Mr. K. K. Sahoo, Asst. Registrar(P&W), NIT Rourkela Ph:0661-2462051
NITR/PW/TENDER/1 7/2013-14
OPERATING A SINGLE SUPER MARKET INSIDE THE NIT CAMPUS, ROURKELA Registrar 2013-11-19 03.00 PM Prof. B.C. Roy, Chairman OCB. Phone no: 0661-2462559/2462551, Email
NITR/PW/13-14/02 DATED 25.04.2013
Registration of contractors for Civil & Electrical works Registrar 2013-08-16 03.00 PM Prof. S.K. Das, PIC (Civil Construction) Phone:0661-2462315, Prof.S. Mohanty, PIC (Electrical Construction). Phone No. 0661-2462405.
Registration of Contractors for Civil & Electrical Works Registrar 2013-05-24 03:00 p.m. Prof. S.K. Das, PIC (Civil Construction) Phone:0661-2462315, Prof.S. Mohanty, PIC (Electrical Construction). Phone No. 0661-2462405.
NITR/SA/VP(G&S)/ 2012/L/482/(7)
Procurement of Games & Sports Equipments Student Activity Centre 2012-10-09 Dr. Pranakrishna Rout SAS Officer, Student Activity Centre, National Institute of Technology Rourkela- 769 008 Phone: 0661-2462171 Fax: 0661-2462999
NITR/TQ/NS/2012/ 97
Biding for scientific equipment under NCB Physics and Astronomy 2012-06-22 S.S. Mahapatra, Nodal Officer Procurement TEQIP II, NIT Rourkela, 769008
NITR/TQ/NS/2012/ 82
Procurement of Scientific Equipment under TEQIP-II Project Others 2012-06-05 Nodal Officer (Procurement), TEQIP-II, Attn.: Prof. S.S.Mahapatra, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROURKELA – 769 008, ODISHA, FAX No.0661-2462963
NITR/CC/HOD/2012 /L/ 469
7000 ANSI Lumens or higher LCD/ DLP projector with suitablelong throw lens and motorized screen Computer Centre 2012-05-24 Head, Department of ComputerCenter, Attn.: Prof. S. K. Patra, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROURKELA - 769 008, ORISSA, eMail:,
PROCUREMENT OF FURNITURE FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS & HOSTELS AT NIT ROURKELA Training and Placement Centre 2012-05-21 Prof. B. B. Biswal, HOD (TP), Phone:0661-2462181,
NITR/CC/HOD/2012 /L/194
Tender for Procurement laptop/ notebook/ mobile computing devices Computer Centre 2012-03-15 Head, Department of ComputerCenter, Attn.: Prof. S. K. Patra, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROURKELA - 769 008, ORISSA, eMail:,
NITR/CC/HOD/2011 /L/917
Tender Documents for Unified Storage Computer Centre 2011-12-30 Prof. S. K. Patra, Head, Computer Center, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela – 769 008, Phone: 0661 – 2462467, 9427221578 (M), Fax: 0661 – 2462457, E-mail:
NITR/PH/DKB/XRAY /1021 Dt/11/11
High Resolution X-Ray Diffractometer Physics and Astronomy 2011-12-05 DILLIP KUMAR BISOYI, Department of PHYSICS, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela – 769 008, Phone: 0661 – 246-2722, Fax: 0661 – 2462999, E-mail:
04 of 2011-2012
Expression of Interest for Supply of Kitchen equipment for 1000 seated Hostel Central Facility 2011-07-02 REGISTRAR, Fax No- 0661-2462022, Ph. No -0661-2476773
NITR/PW/11/AdvtN oticeNo.2
Tender for supply of Furniture( updated on 25.05.2011) Purchase & Works 2011-06-06 0661-2462021/2476773
Supply of Furniture for Lecturer Halls Central Facility 2010-05-17 REGISTRAR, Ph : 0661-2462021/2476773, FaxNo.0661-2462022
37 Dt. 11.03.201 0
Center of Excellence in Industrial Electronics and Robotics Central Facility 2010-04-01 REGISTRAR, Ph : 0661-2462021/2476773, FaxNo.0661-2462022
NITR/CC/HOD/2010 /L/177
Tender for Blade Server & accessories Computer Centre 2010-03-23 Prof. D. P. Mohapatra, Head, Computer Center, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela – 769 008, Phone: 0661 – 2462356, 9437648628 (M), Fax: 0661 – 2472926
06 of 2010-2011
Expression of Interest for Supply of Furniture for Hostels Central Facility 2010-03-22 The Registrar, NIT Rourkela, Ph No. 0661-2476773, Fax No- 06612462022
NITR/CC/HOD/2009 /M/1327
Supply of new switches against buyback of Avaya switchesû and ûFMSû Computer Centre 2009-09-23 Prof. D. P. Mohapatra, Head, Computer Center, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela – 769 008, Phone: 0661 – 2462356, 9437648628 (M), Fax: 0661 – 2472926
NITR/ CC/ HOD/ 2 008/ 252
Wireless access points & other Networking accessories Computer Centre 2008-06-25 Prof S K Patra, HOD Computer Centre, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROURKELA – 769 008, ORISSA
NITR/ CC/ HOD/ 2 008/ 17
Blade Server for Computer Centre Computer Centre 2008-01-29 Prof S K Patra NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROURKELA – 769 008, ORISSA, Phone:0661-2462457, 94372 21578 (M)
131 0f 2007-08
Supply of Furniture for Lecture Gallery Others 2007-11-12 The Registrar, NIT Rourkela, Ph No. 0661-2476773, Fax No- 06612462022
129 of 2007-08
Supply of Furniture for Guest House Others 2007-08-20 The Registrar, NIT Rourkela, Ph No. 0661-2476773, Fax No- 06612462022
5 KVA UPS, 60 Minutes Back UP Mechanical Engineering 2007-08-13 Registrar & Nodal Officer (Procurement), TEQIP Cell, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela – 769 008
128 of 2007-2008
Supply of Tables with attached Bench for Hostel No-7 Others 2007-08-09 The Registrar, NIT Rourkela, Ph No. 0661-2476773, Fax No- 06612462022
126 of 2007-2008
Kitchen Equipment for Guest House Others 2007-07-23 The Registrar, NIT Rourkela, Ph No. 0661-2476773, Fax No- 06612462022
124 of 2007-2008
Supply of Kitchen Equipment Others 2007-05-03 The Registrar, NIT Rourkela, Ph No. 0661-2476773, Fax No- 06612462022
Corrigendum to tender enquiry no. NIT/RKL/CSNC/06/04 Dt 12th May 2006 for revised/enhanced scope of work. Computer Centre 2007-01-01 Dr.J.K. Satapathy, Chairman, Computer System and Network Committee, (Phone: (0661) 2462414; 9437116780 (M)), --------------------------------------, Dr S.K. Patra, Professor I/C Campus Networking; (Phone: (0661) 2462457; Fax: (0661) 2472926; 9437116780(M))