Welcome to Centre of Excellence for Tribal Studies
The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, has been declared as a Centre of Excellence for Tribal Studies by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India, since October 2016. As per the Ministry’s guidelines the objective of identifying organisations as Centres of Excellence is to involve them in working out long-term and policy oriented research studies for the development of tribals of the country. Selected centres are then provided central assistance to fill the critical gap. Some of the criteria for selection of Centres of Excellence are:
- Excellent application-oriented research background of the Department.
- National or international recognition of the capability of the Department to undertake field research.
- Capability to undertake field research at least in the regional context; national level capability is preferred.
- Excellent infrastructure for research and training.
- Appropriate networking with similar institutions.
The Centre has been sanctioned Rs. 1, 31, 66000/- for the financial years 2016-17 and 2017-18 to carry out research activities relating to tribal issues and problems. Some of the activities that are proposed to be carried out under the aegis of the Centre include tribal conclaves, conferences and seminars, awareness programmes on various government schemes and benefits at the village level in Odisha and Jharkhand, and preparation of basic socio-demographic profile of tribals of Odisha and Jharkhand, besides conducting other research studies that will aid towards formulating strategies for the betterment of the tribal communities of our country.
Research Focus
- Health and Education
- Tribal Languages and Culture
- Tribal Minor Forest Produce Rights
- Tribal Identity, Livelihood and Development
- Women Rights in the Vth Scheduled Areas
- Tribal Art and Artifacts
- Migration, Displacement, Resettlement and Rehabilitation
- Impact of Tribal Sub-Plan Schemes on Tribal Communities
Principal Investigator and Coordinator

Co-Principal Investigators & Co-Coordinators