M. R. Khan and G. A. Rahul,"Design and development of an automated hand shovel", in 15th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2017) Theme: Ergonomics for Improved Productivity, Springer, December 2017 Inproceedings
M. Allaparthi, M. R. Khan, and A. S. Narayana,"FE modal and harmonic analysis of Micro Drill with ultrasonic horn", in Materials Design and Applications, Springer, advanced structured materials 65, Porto, Portugal, November 2016, 10.1007/978-3-319-50784-2_21 Inproceedings
M. R. Khan, A. Raj, Md. M. Hossain, S. Kumar, and A. Sharma,"Distribution of electromagnetic field and pressure of single turn circular coil for magnetic pulse welding using FEM", in Proceedings of the 6th International and 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design & Research Conference, pp.126-130, College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA, 6th international & 27th all india manufacturing technology, design and research conference (aimtdr), College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA, December 2016 Inproceedings
M. R. Khan, P. Giri, and P. P. Kumar,"Redesign and ergonomic analysis of scoop stretcher for full body immobilization during casualties", in ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across Boundaries, vol.1, pp.411-420, Springer India, smart innovation, systems and technologies, vol. 34, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India 2015, 10.1007/978-81-322-2232-3_36 Inproceedings
M. R. Khan, P. K. Purohit, and S. Ghadai,"Development of a Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) rehabilitation device adopting human knee gait pattern", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering, pp.370-375, GITAM University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GITAM University, School of Technology, Hyderabad, India, December 2015 Inproceedings
M. Allaparthi and M. R. Khan,"Recent advances in burr height minimization in micro-machining", in Proceedings of the 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, vol.1, pp.386 (1-6), IIT Guwahati, Assam, India, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India, December 2014 Inproceedings
D. S. Bisht and M. R. Khan,"Ergonomic assessment methods for the evaluation of hand held industrial products: A review", in Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, vol.1, pp.559-564, Newswood, July 2013 Inproceedings
M. R. Khan and P. Tandon,"Development of the geometry and its redesigning for a special shaped milling cutter", in Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, vol.1, pp.526-531, Newswood, July 2013 Inproceedings
M. R. Khan and P. Tandon,"Parameterized geometric design of a generic form milling cutter", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol.10, no.5, pp.757-765, Taylor & Francis, August 2013, 10.3722/cadaps.2013.757-765 Article
M. R. Khan and P. Tandon,"Mathematical modeling of a generic multi-profile form milling cutter", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, vol.227, no.5, pp.1036-1046, Sage, May 2013, 10.1177/0954406212455890 Article