Research Group
- Product Modelling, Design and Analysis , Innovative Product Design, Rapid Product Development and Reverse Engineering
Areas of Interest
- Human factors Design
- Innovative Product Design
- Assistive Devices for Elderly
- Occupational Health and MSDs
- Geometric Modeling for Design, Engineering & Manufacturing, Biomechanical, CAD, etc.
Mohammed Rajik Khan
Industrial Design
Room Number: ID-203
Department of Industrial Design, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Sundargarh, Odisha, India - 769008
Mechanical Engineering (Computer-Aided Design)PDPM-IIITDM Jabalpur
Mechanical EngineeringNIT Kurukshetra
Mechanical EngineeringMITS Gwalior
Teaching Experience
- Product Design, Geometric and Solid Modeling, Rapid Prototyping and Tooling, NIT Rourkela, 01 Jul 2011 - Till Date
- Engineering Graphics, Theory of Machines, Chhattrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology (CSIT), Durg, C.G., 01 Jul 2006 - 11 Aug 2007
- Engineering Graphics, Chhattrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology (CSIT), Durg, C.G., 09 Nov 2002 - 07 Aug 2004
Post Doctoral Research Experience
- Development of comfort models to design comfortable handles for hand-held industrial products, Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK, 31 May 2014 - 23 Jun 2014
Industrial Experience
- Engineer Incharge, Structural fabrication jobs, NASA ENGINEERS, Durg, C.G., 01 Aug 2001 - 31 Oct 2002
Laboratory Development
- Electromagnetic Welding Laboratory, NIT Rourkela, EMW facility of capacity 108 µF, 20kV, 200kA, 20 kHz (Short circuit).
- Ergonomics & Simulation Laboratory, NIT Rourkela, Six-dimensional electromagnetic tracking system (ETS), LIBERTY 240/16-8 System by Polhemus Inc.
Development of customized Sit-to-Stand(S2) trajectory -based mobility assistive devices. Science & Engineering Research Board(SERB)
- Principal Investigator
- 24
- Completed Sponsored
Design and fabrication of a novel scoop stretcher for full body Immobilization during causality transfer ICMR
- Principal Investigator
- 24
- Completed Sponsored
Electomagnetic welding (EMW) coil design & characterisation from mechanical and metallurgical aspects for tubular jobs of ODS alloy with other materials BRNS
- Principal Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Total Publications: 46
M. R. Khan, Md. M. Hossain, A. Sharma, and S. Kumar,"Sequential coupling of electromagnetic–structural simulation for compression welding of tubular jobs", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage, November 2018, 10.1177/0954406218813445 Article
D. S. Bisht and M. R. Khan,"A novel anatomical woodworking chisel handle", Applied Ergonomics, vol.76, pp.38-47, Elsevier, April 2019, 10.1016/j.apergo.2018.11.010 Article
P. Jain and M. R. Khan,"Prediction of biomechanical behaviour of lumbar vertebrae using a novel semi-rigid stabilization device", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol.233, no.8, pp.849-857, Sage, June 2019, 10.1177/0954411919856497 Article
S. Kumar, M. R. Khan, P. Saroj, G., and A. Sharma,"Experimental investigation of driver material on electromagnetic welding of alloy D9 SS tube to SS316L(N) plug", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.105, no.10, pp.4225–4235, Springer, November 2019, 10.1007/s00170-019-04525-0 Article
G. Naik and M. R. Khan,"Prevalence of MSDs and postural risk assessment in floor mopping activity through subjective and objective measures", Safety and Health at Work, vol.11, no.1, pp.80-87, Elsevier, March 2020, 10.1016/ Article
- Coordinator
- 21 Dec 2023 - 22 Dec 2023
- Brochure
Research Facility Training Program on Occupational Ergonomics Industrial Design (Workshop)
- Coordinator
- 10 Nov 2023
- Brochure
Vibration Problems in Rotating Machines: Diagnosis and Rectification (171030L02) Industrial Design (Short-term Course)
- Co-Coordinator
- 18 Feb 2019 - 01 Mar 2019
- Brochure
AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN APPROACHES under GIAN Industrial Design (Short-term Course)
- Coordinator
- 04 Dec 2017 - 09 Dec 2017
- Brochure
- ID201 : Fundamental of Computer Graphics and Solid Modeling {Theory}
- ID220 : Fundamentals of Computer Graphics and Solid Modelig {Theory}
- ID222 : Geometric and Solid Modeling {Theory}
- ID311 : Geometric and Solid Modeling {Theory}
- ID311 : Product Design - I {Theory}
- ID312 : Material Selection for Design {Theory}
- ID312 : Product Design - II {Theory}
- ID3204 : Product Design {Theory}
- ID411 : Product Design {Theory}
- ID412 : Design Management {Theory}
- ID4304 : Rapid Product Development Technologies {Theory}
- ID431 : Rapid Product Development Technologies {Theory}
- ID432 : Rapid Product Development Technologies {Theory}
- ID442 : Rapid Product Development Technologies {Theory}
- ID6101 : Design Introduction {Theory}
- ID611 : Advanced Product Design and Development {Theory}
- ID6331 : Advanced Product Design and Development {Theory}
- ID6340 : Rapid Prototyping and Tooling {Theory}
- ID639 : Applied Ergonomics {Theory}
- ID665 : Rapid Prototyping and Tooling {Theory}
- ID271 : Design Workshop - I {Practical}
- ID272 : Design Workshop - I {Practical}
- ID367 : Product Development Laboratory – I {Practical}
- ID368 : Product Development Laboratory – II {Practical}
- ID3704 : Product Design and Development Laboratory {Practical}
- ID372 : Design Workshop - II {Practical}
- ID373 : Design Workshop – III {Practical}
- ID3801 : Industrial Design Project- I {Practical}
- ID3802 : Industrial Design Project- II {Practical}
- ID382 : Industrial Design Project – II {Practical}
- ID4701 : Design Workshop - IV {Practical}
- ID4704 : Reverse Engineering and Rapid Manufacturing Laboratory {Practical}
- ID473 : Product Design Laboratory {Practical}
- ID476 : Reverse Engineering and Rapid Manufacturing Laboratory {Practical}
- ID6173 : Design Practice {Practical}
- ID671 : Design Practice - 1 {Practical}
- ID671 : Design Practice– I {Practical}
- ID690 : Research Practice {Practical}
- ID772 : Rapid Manufacturing Laboratory {Practical}
- ID776 : Design Workshop {Practical}
- ID789 : Product Development Laboratory {Practical}
- ID792 : Software Laboratory – II {Practical}
- WS373 : Advanced Machining Practice {Practical}
Ph.D. Students [3]
Design and FE Analysis of Novel Semi - Rigid Stabilization Device for Human Lumbar Spine
Pushpdant JainEnrolled: Jan 2015Graduated : Mar 2020Supervisor
Conceptual Design Approach for Woodworking Chisel Handle
Dhananjay Singh BishtEnrolled: Jan 2012Graduated : Feb 2019Supervisor
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Conventional and Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Micro-Drilling on PCB
Muddu AllaparthiEnrolled: Jul 2013Graduated : Dec 2018Supervisor
M.Tech by Research Students [1]
Investigation on Electromagnetic Welding (EMW) for Tubular Jobs using FEA
Md Mosarraf HossainGraduated : Oct 2018Supervisor
Awards And Honours
- As a PhD Supervisor, One of the Research Scholar has stood 1st for best research work and presentation in Research Scholar Week (2017-18) on “ ” at NIT Rourkela (PG Student: Pushpdant jain), 2018
- Received best technical paper award for the research paper “Three-Dimensional Finite element dynamic analysis for micro drilling of multi-layer printed circuit board material” presented in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials & Manufacturing Engineering (iMME17), NIT Tiruchirappalli, TN, India, March 10- 12, 2017., 2018
- Received merit award for most distinguish paper for the research paper “Anatomically shaped tool handles designed for power grip” presented in 6th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD’17) at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, January 09-11, 2017., 2018
- Received a gift voucher of EUR 150 as a felicitation for winning the distinguish paper award at 6th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD’17) 09th -11th January 2017 at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati., 2018
- As a Project Supervisor, one of the B.Tech. project has received Gold medal for best B.Tech. project (2015-16) for developing “Automated Sit-To-Stand cum mobility assistive device” at NIT Rourkela (UG Student: Sonalisa Patel), 2018
- As a Project Supervisor, one of the M.Tech. project has received Gold medal for best Postgraduate (M.Tech. and Dual Degree) project (2016-17) on “Design & Fabrication of a Novel Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Device for Gait Rehabilitation” at NIT Rourkela (PG Student: Aditya Gupta), 2017
- As a Project Supervisor, one of the M.Tech. project has received Shanta Jain Award-2016 for the best Product Oriented project (2016-17) on “Design & Fabrication of a Novel Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Device for Gait Rehabilitation” at NIT Rourkela (PG Student: Aditya Gupta), 2017
- Won best paper award in undergraduate category with 1st prize of $200 gift voucher for the research paper “Design and development of an automated hand shovel” presented in 15th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2017) Theme: Ergonomics for Improved Productivity, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, December, 8-10, 2017 (UG Student: Aditya Rahul Gupta)., 2017
- Awarded Design & Manufacturing Proficiency prize for the best thesis in Mechanical Engineering Discipline in the Graduating class of Doctoral Programme (Ph.D.), 2012, IIITDM Jabalpur, India., 2012
- Received financial grant under International Travel Support Scheme from Department of Science and Technology (DST), SERC Division, Govt. of India, New Delhi under Young Scientist category for attending and presenting paper at International CAD conference and Exhibition - CAD'10, Dubai, UAE, June 21-25, 2010., 2010
- One of my Research paper “Three dimensional modeling and finite element simulation of a generic end mill”, Computer-Aided Design, 2009, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 106-114, has been mentioned 4th position under Science Direct, hottest 25 articles, Computer Science, Computer-Aided Design, January to March 2009. (, 2009
Memberships / Fellowships
- Member, Life time, International Association of Engineers (IAENG) Society of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering, 2013