National Institute of Technology Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance


Industrial Design (M.Tech. - 2yrs)

1 An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems
2 An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document
3 Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program

1 To provide education and to develop leadership qualities required for industries by nurturing multiple skills
2 To educate the students with engineering knowledge, innovation associated with designing and development of industrial products effectively
3 To grow in the development of skills, knowledge and dispositions that enable graduates to immediately function as entry-level professional industrial designers
4 To prepare graduates to design, develop, implement and improve integrated systems or products that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy using appropriate analytical, computational and experimental practices
5 To nurture new thoughts, philosophies and research into several aspects of design/design related fields

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ID6101 Design Introduction 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6103 Form Studies 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6201 User Experience Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
Professional Elective - I
Professional Elective - II
Laboratory Elective - I
Laboratory Elective - II

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ID6102 Design Thinking for Engineers 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6202 Advanced Ergonomics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6880 Seminar and Technical Writing 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
Professional Elective - III
Professional Elective - IV
Professional Elective - V
Laboratory Elective - III
Laboratory Elective - IV

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ID6993 Research Project - I 0-0-0 20 Syllabus
ID6991 Summer Research/Industrial Project 0-0-0 4 Syllabus

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ID6994 Research Project - II 0-0-0 20 Syllabus
ID6992 Comprehensive Viva Voce 0-0-0 4 Syllabus

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ID6101 Design Introduction 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6102 Design Thinking for Engineers 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6103 Form Studies 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6132 Media and Animation Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6134 Media Investigation and Communication Methods 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6201 User Experience Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6202 Advanced Ergonomics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6232 Embodiment Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6233 Computer Aided Geometric Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6234 Product Interface Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6235 Optimization Methods in Industrial Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6236 Robust Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6237 Computer Applications in Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6331 Advanced Product Design and Development 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6332 Product Data Management 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6333 Design for Quality and Reliability 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6334 Design Management and Professional Practice 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6335 Mechatronics and Robotics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6336 Product Design for Manufactruing and Assembly 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6338 Advanced Materials, Manufacturing Process and Finishes 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6340 Rapid Prototyping and Tooling 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6342 Cnc Systems and Programming 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6344 Product Life Cycle Management 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ID6171 Sketching and Rendering Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ID6173 Design Practice 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ID6272 Advanced Ergonomics Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ID6274 Communication Design Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
BM6031 Anatomy and Physiology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
BM6202 Advanced Biomechanics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
BM6331 BioMEMS and Biosensor 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS1002 Programming Fundamentals 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
CS3063 Object Oriented System Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS3064 Foundations of Data Science 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4064 AI in Healthcare 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4065 Machine Learning for Non-Programmers 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4066 Programming for Machine Learning 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4067 Principles of Soft Computing 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4213 Cybersecurity for Cyber Physical Systems 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4214 Data Acquisition and Signal Processing 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS6659 Number Theory and Cryptography 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE2003 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE2202 Power Electronics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE2401 Network Theory 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3004 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3100 Power Systems Operation and Control 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3112 Power Systems 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3201 Electric Drives 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3213 Semiconductor Fabrication Technology 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
EE3301 Principles of Control Systems Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3412 Digital Electronics and Microprocessors 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE6245 Silicon Solar Cell Technology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE6262 Energy Storage Systems 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE6268 Energy Storage Systems 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE6333 Estimation of Signals and Systems 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
FP6205 Advanced Food Plant and Equipment Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6135 Applied Finite Element Analysis 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6148 Nonlinear Oscillation 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6232 Optimization Method in Engineering Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6235 Neural Network and Artificial Intelligence 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
SM6441 Production Planning and Control 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS2083 Hands-On with Operating Systems 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
CS2084 Object-Oriented Design & Development Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
CS2091 Python Programming for ML Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2093 Data Preprocessing Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2094 Text Analysis and NLP Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2095 IoT Prototyping Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2096 Cybersecurity for Cyber Physical Systems Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2098 Industrial IoT 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2099 IoT Data analytics 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS3097 Basic Quantum Computing Programming 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS6658 Data Analytics Capstone Project 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
EE2703 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
EE3703 Power Electronics Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
EE3712 Control Systems Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
EE3713 Power Electronics Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
EE4701 Power Systems Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
EE4711 Power Systems Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus