Food Process Engineering (B.Tech. - 4yrs)
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
EE1000 | Basic Electrical Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
MA1003 | Mathematics - I | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
PH1005 | Statistical and Quantum Physics | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
LS1001 | Biology | 2-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
EA1270 | Value Education and Ethics | 1-0-0 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS1010 | Programming for Problem Solving | 1-0-2 | 2 | Syllabus |
ME1000 | Workshop Practice | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
PH1070 | Physics Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
Extra Academic Activity - I |
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
CE1100 | Engineering Mechanics | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CH1400 | Environment and Safety Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CY1004 | Analytical Chemistry and Biomolecules | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EC1000 | Basic Electronics Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
MA1004 | Mathematics - II | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
HS1300 | Communicative English | 2-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
CE1010 | Computer Aided Drawing and Graphics | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
CY1170 | Chemistry Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
FP2101 | Food Chemistry | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2501 | Food Processing Operations | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
MA2005 | Numerical Methods | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CS2011 | Introduction to AI and ML | 2-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP2171 | Food Properties Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP2673 | Horticultural Processing Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
EE2700 | Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
Value Added Course - I | ||||
Humanities Elective - I | ||||
Additional Course - I |
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
FP2102 | Food Microbiology and Safety | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2402 | Food Grains Processing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2502 | Principles of Food Technology | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2476 | Food Microbiology and Safety Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP2576 | Food Grains Processing Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
CS2672 | AI and ML Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
FP2574 | Food Product Technology Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
HS2270 | Language Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
Value Added Course - II | ||||
Technology in Society - I | ||||
Humanities Elective - II | ||||
Additional Course - II |
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
FP3401 | Food Analysis | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3601 | Food Packaging and Storage Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3473 | Food Analysis Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3671 | Food Packaging and Storage Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
Stream / Cluster Elective - I | ||||
Stream / Cluster Elective - II | ||||
Multidisciplinary Elective - I | ||||
Advanced Skill Development - I | ||||
Additional Course - III |
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
FP3622 | Bakery and Confectionery Technology | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3474 | Livestock, Fish and Marine Products Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3572 | Food Engineering Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3672 | Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3670 | Product Development Laboratory | 0-0-0 | 1 | Syllabus |
Value Added Course - III | ||||
Stream / Cluster Elective - III | ||||
Stream / Cluster Elective - IV | ||||
Multidisciplinary Elective - II | ||||
Additional Course - IV |
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
FP4095 | Capstone Project - I | 0-0-0 | 4 | Syllabus |
FP4555 | Special Topics by Industry Experts | 0-0-0 | 1 | Syllabus |
FP4901 | Seminar and Technical Writing | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
Stream / Cluster Laboratory Elective - I | ||||
Stream / Cluster Laboratory Elective - II | ||||
Stream / Cluster Laboratory Elective - III | ||||
Stream / Cluster Elective - V | ||||
Stream / Cluster Elective - VI | ||||
SIRE / EPICS Elective | ||||
Multidisciplinary Elective - III | ||||
Additional Course - V |
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
FP4908 | Comprehensive Viva Voce | 0-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
Stream / Cluster Elective - VII | ||||
Multidisciplinary Elective - IV | ||||
Multidisciplinary Elective - V | ||||
Capstone Project Elective - II |
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
FP2101 | Food Chemistry | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2102 | Food Microbiology and Safety | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2103 | Principles of Food Technology | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2201 | Food Processing Operations - I | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2202 | Food Processing Operations - II | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2302 | Horticultural Product Processing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2402 | Food Grains Processing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2474 | Food Microbiology and Safety Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP2501 | Food Processing Operations | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2502 | Principles of Food Technology | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2572 | Food Grains Processing Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP2602 | Indian Knowledge Systems in Food Processing | 2-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3101 | Food Process Modeling | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3105 | Food Analysis and Quality Control | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3301 | Processing of Spices, Condiments and Plantation crops | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3401 | Food Analysis | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3404 | Bakery and Confectionery Technology | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3471 | Food Analysis Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3501 | Dairy Process Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3503 | Processing of Livestock, Fish and Marine Products | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3601 | Food Packaging and Storage Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3602 | Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3622 | Bakery and Confectionery Technology | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4108 | Food Laws, Regulations and Certifications | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4109 | Food Ingredients and Additives | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4110 | Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4111 | Biochemistry and Human Nutrition | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4131 | Food Process Modeling | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4206 | Emerging Technologies in Food Processing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4207 | Food Industry By-Product and Waste Management | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4208 | Experimental Design and Statistical Methods | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4209 | Separation Techniques in Food Processing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4210 | Food Business Management and Entrepreneurship Development | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4211 | Process Control and instrumentation in Food industry | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4212 | IT Applications in Food industry | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4213 | Food Process Modeling and Simulation | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4231 | Food Process Equipment and Plant Design | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4303 | Beverage Technology | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP4401 | Hygienic Design of Equipment in Food Processing | 1-0-0 | 1 | Syllabus |
FP4732 | Separation Techniques in Food Processing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP6101 | Advanced Food Analysis and Quality Control | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP6402 | Post-Harvest Operations and Management | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2171 | Food Properties Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP2172 | Food Microbiology and Safety Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
FP2472 | Food Grains and Horticultural Processing Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP2476 | Food Microbiology and Safety Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP2574 | Food Product Technology Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
FP2576 | Food Grains Processing Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP2671 | Horticultural Processing Laboratory | 0-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP2673 | Horticultural Processing Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3172 | Food Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
FP3271 | Food Engineering Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3272 | Experimental Design and Statistical Methods Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3473 | Food Analysis Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3474 | Livestock, Fish and Marine Products Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3571 | Dairy Process Engineering Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3572 | Food Engineering Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3671 | Food Packaging and Storage Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
FP3672 | Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP3674 | Bakery and Confectionery Technology Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
FP4171 | Food Product Technology Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP4172 | Advanced Food Testing Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP4271 | Food Process Equipment and Plant Design Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP4471 | Bakery and Confectionery Technology Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
FP4572 | Livestock, Fish and Marine Products Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
FP2112 | Food Microbiology and Safety | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2312 | Horticultural Product Processing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP2412 | Food Grains Processing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3115 | Food Analysis and Quality Control | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3511 | Dairy Process Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3611 | Food Packaging and Storage Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
FP3174 | Food Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
FP3673 | Food Packaging and Storage Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
Subject Code | Subject Name | L-T-P | Credit | |
CE2502 | Environmental Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CE3001 | Estimation and Construction Management | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CE3301 | Transportation Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CE3302 | Advanced Transportation Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CH1400 | Environment and Safety Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CR2103 | Composite Materials | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CR2110 | Ceramic Fabrication Processes | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CR2402 | Ceramics for Societal Applications | 2-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
CR3207 | Bioceramics | 3-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
CR3211 | Ceramics in Energy Sector | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CR4208 | Interface Science and sol-gel Processing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CS1002 | Programming Fundamentals | 2-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
CS2011 | Introduction to AI and ML | 2-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
CS3063 | Object Oriented System Design | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CS3064 | Foundations of Data Science | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CS4064 | AI in Healthcare | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CS4065 | Machine Learning for Non-Programmers | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CS4066 | Programming for Machine Learning | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CS4067 | Principles of Soft Computing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CS4213 | Cybersecurity for Cyber Physical Systems | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CS4214 | Data Acquisition and Signal Processing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CS6659 | Number Theory and Cryptography | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CY3404 | Fundamental of Materials and Nanochemistry | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CY5102 | Heterocycles and Natural Products | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CY5303 | Biochemistry | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CY5308 | Principles of Molecular Modeling and Applications | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CY5403 | Environmental Chemistry | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE2003 | Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE2060 | ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION DESIGN | 2-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
EE2202 | Power Electronics | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE2401 | Network Theory | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE3004 | Electromagnetic Field Theory | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE3011 | Electrical Machines | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE3100 | Power Systems Operation and Control | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE3112 | Power Systems | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE3201 | Electric Drives | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE3213 | Semiconductor Fabrication Technology | 2-0-0 | 2 | Syllabus |
EE3301 | Principles of Control Systems Engineering | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE3412 | Digital Electronics and Microprocessors | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE6245 | Silicon Solar Cell Technology | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE6262 | Energy Storage Systems | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
EE6268 | Energy Storage Systems | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
HS1313 | Creative Writing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
HS1314 | Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
HS1333 | Post-Liberalization Social Transformation in India | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
HS1345 | Optimization Theory in Economics | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
HS1349 | Industry and Development | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
LS4004 | Bioinformatics | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
MA1003 | Mathematics - I | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
MA1004 | Mathematics - II | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
MA2001 | Probability and Statistics | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
MA2005 | Numerical Methods | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
MA2104 | Complex Analysis | 3-1-0 | 4 | Syllabus |
MA2305 | Numerical Analysis | 3-1-0 | 4 | Syllabus |
ME3301 | Heat Transfer | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
ME4254 | Semiconductor Manufacturing | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
ME4333 | Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
PH3051 | Science of Nano-materials | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
SM6102 | Financial Management | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
SM6412 | Operations Strategy | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
SM6441 | Production Planning and Control | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
SM6611 | Business Research Methodology | 3-0-0 | 3 | Syllabus |
CE4703 | Steel Structures Design Practice | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS1010 | Programming for Problem Solving | 1-0-2 | 2 | Syllabus |
CS2083 | Hands-On with Operating Systems | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
CS2084 | Object-Oriented Design & Development Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
CS2091 | Python Programming for ML Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS2093 | Data Preprocessing Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS2094 | Text Analysis and NLP Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS2095 | IoT Prototyping Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS2096 | Cybersecurity for Cyber Physical Systems Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS2098 | Industrial IoT | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS2099 | IoT Data analytics | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS2672 | AI and ML Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS3097 | Basic Quantum Computing Programming | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
CS6658 | Data Analytics Capstone Project | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
EA2110 | Professional Culture and Lifestyle in Healthcare | 0-0-1 | 1 | Syllabus |
EA2120 | Personality Development | 0-0-1 | 1 | Syllabus |
EA2170 | Self-Defense | 0-0-1 | 1 | Syllabus |
EA2260 | Dance and Theatre | 0-0-1 | 1 | Syllabus |
EA2270 | Music | 0-0-1 | 1 | Syllabus |
EA2310 | Deutsch Sprache (German Language) | 0-0-1 | 1 | Syllabus |
EA2410 | Sustainable Living | 0-0-1 | 1 | Syllabus |
EA2420 | Indian Knowledge System | 0-0-1 | 1 | Syllabus |
EA2430 | Indian Language (Sanskrit) | 0-0-1 | 1 | Syllabus |
EA2440 | Entrepreneurship | 0-0-1 | 1 | Syllabus |
EC2700 | Basic Electronics Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
EE2703 | Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
EE2708 | Electrical Engineering Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
EE3703 | Power Electronics Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
EE3712 | Control Systems Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
EE3713 | Power Electronics Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
EE4701 | Power Systems Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
EE4711 | Power Systems Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
HS1270 | Language Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |
LS3096 | Life Science Laboratory - VI | 0-0-3 | 3 | Syllabus |
LS3098 | Life Science Laboratory - VII | 0-0-3 | 3 | Syllabus |
ME4373 | Heat Transfer and Refrigeration Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 2 | Syllabus |
MM2161 | Fundamentals of Metallurgical Engineering Laboratory | 0-0-2 | 1 | Syllabus |