Rice is one of the staple foods of Asia, Latin America, and Africa, widely consumed as cooked and polished grain. White rice, due to the removal of its bran, husk, and embryo during milling, lacks dietary fibre, micronutrients, and polyphenols, and contains high carbohydrate content with a glycemic index (GI) of 64-93. This can lead to elevated insulin levels, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes and iron deficiency anemia. Contemporary consumer trends are increasingly inclined towards the consumption of nutritionally enhanced products that offer significant health benefits, which has catalysed extensive research, development, and commercialization of millet-based food products. Millets are low glycemic index grains that serve as excellent sources of essential nutrients, including amino acids, dietary fibers, vitamins, resistant starches, proteins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. They play a crucial role in ensuring food and nutritional security, particularly for vulnerable populations. Despite their significant potential to enhance diverse and sustainable diets, millets remain underutilized in India due to the limited availability of millet-based products and the influence of existing consumption norms that favor more widely recognized grains like rice and wheat. The development of extruded millet analogue rice using pearl millet, sorghum and parboiled rice will be a viable solution to address the global issues of diabetes and iron deficiency anemia (IDA). This approach is particularly appealing due to the infeasibility of altering the widespread dietary habit of rice consumption among the global population. This produced millet analogue rice can be an alternative food for raw rice and has a scope for commercialization in the market.