In the present VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) market, the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained momentum, and attaining/gaining a competitive advantage has become the top concern for businesses. To deal in a competitive market, firms have adopted CSR as an essential practice in trading activities and managing the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) in business ventures. It expedites the arrangements of organizational activities along with societal and ethical standards. To determine the advantages of CSR integration for company development, this study examines the influence of a company&rsquos CSR endeavors on customers&rsquo brand loyalty as mediated by brand equity, brand credibility, and brand image. Due to product diversification and customers&rsquo awareness in today&rsquos product market, customers change their loyalty quickly, due to which companies are trying to build long-term relationships with the customers. Corporate social responsibility became an effective marketing strategy that companies use to enhance their brand credibility, brand reputation, and brand equity. There has been an increase in the number of companies that have started to adopt CSR strategies and implement CSR programmes in order to satisfy their customers throughout the world. Consumers, employees, and society at large are critical parts of the stakeholders and can positively or negatively affect or be affected by the CSR performance of the company. On the other hand, in the marketing aspect, brand credibility, brand image, and brand equity play an important role in differentiation and value creation. In addition, brand credibility, brand reputation, and brand equity can affect the purchasing behavior of customers through a series of complex psychological processes and can make them shift their loyalty. In this proposed research, we are going to study the effect of CSR endeavors by the top FMCG companies in India on the brand loyalty of the customers and how brand credibility, brand reputation, and brand equity play a complete mediator in mediating the relationship between CSR endeavors and customers&rsquo brand loyalty. In addition, we will also examine the effect of customers&rsquo engagement with the CSR endeavours on the brand loyalty. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility Brand equity Brand Reputation Brand Credibility FMCG Brand Loyalty