Dr. Binod Bihari Sahu did a master’s degree in Botany in 2003 with biochemistry as a specialization from the Department of Botany, Utkal University, and cleared CSIR-UGC JRF in 2003. He continued for PhD in abiotic stress at the Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar, where he identified the salt-inducible plasma membrane H+-ATPase in halophytes in addition to identification of 164 inducible genes from halophytes and got the degree in 2010. Upon submitting the thesis in 2009, he moved to the Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, USA, for his post-doctoral research in Plant Molecular genetics and plant pathology. He got a US patent on the cloning and identification of PSS1 (nonhost resistance gene) from Arabidopsis thaliana, which provides broad-spectrum disease resistance against soybean fungal diseases when introduced in soybean cultivars. He joined the Department of Life Science as an Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, in February 2014 and has been actively working on rice blast and sheath blight diseases. His research group is working on identifying the molecular mechanism of Plant immunity and programmed cell death.
Research Group
- Cell and Developmental Biology
Areas of Interest
- Plant Immunity, Nonhost resistance
- Plant-pathogen interaction
- Programmed cell death during plant-pathogen interaction
- Metabolomics in nonhost against fungal diseases in rice
- Nanotechnology and its application against fungal diseases in rice
Binod Bihari Sahu Associate Professor & Vice President FM (Student Activity Center)
Life Science
0661 - 246 2782
Binod Bihari Sahu
Associate Professor
Life Science
Room Number: MN-246
Department of Life Science, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Sundargarh, Odisha, India - 769008
Biochemical and molecular characterization of H+ATPase in plants differing in salt-toleranceInstitute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar
Botany with Biochemistry as specilalizationPG Department of Botany, Utkal University
B.Sc (Hons)
Chemistry, Botany (Hons.), ZoolGovernment College Angul
Teaching Experience
- Molecular Genetics, NIT Rourkela, 24 Feb 2014 - Present
Post Doctoral Research Experience
- Plant molecular biology, Plant Immunity, Plant-pathogen interaction, Molecular Genetics, Iowa State University, Ames, IOWA, USA, 16 Nov 2009 - 21 Feb 2014
Laboratory Development
- Plant Immunity and Molecular Genetics, NIT Rourkela, Dr. Sahu's focus is specifically on two rice fungal diseases which constitute the most significant threats to rice production. Development of new pathovars of the fungus as a primary means to avoid resistance from the host is a threat to farmers. However, Nonhost resistance provides broad spectrum and durable disease resistance. Dr. Sahu’s research group focuses mainly on identifying the nonhost resistance genes from Arabidopsis which is found to be a nonhost against both rice pathogens and molecular mechanism of resistance during nonhost interaction. Study on the Involvement of a catalogue of fungal pathogenic molecules (effectors) with their cognate interactome in the host or nonhost during plant-pathogen interaction would delineate the outcome. Recent work has identified EMS mutants of Arabidopsis that are infected by the pathogens in the epidermal layer cells as well as mesophyll cells. Mapping and identification of the gene(s) are underway that would further lead in helping characterize the mechanism of disease resistance during nohost resistance. We use the advanced molecular genetics approaches to study the plant-pathogen interaction.
Studies on condition Assessment & Management Plan for Mahanadi river basin National River Conservation Directorate (NRDC)
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Running Sponsored
Role of microorganisms on the productivity of the Bhitarakanika Mangrove Forest and potentiality of rhizosphere inhabiting bacteria in mangrove reforestation. CSIR
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Enhancing broad spectrum disease resistance against rice blast by engineering orthologous nonhost resistance genes of Arabidopsis in rice. Science & Engineering Research Board(SERB)
- Principal Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Stonin-2 regulated Beclin-1 dependent autophagy and autophagic lysosome reformation Science & Engineering Research Board(SERB)
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Non - host resistance programmed cell death in Arabidopsis for Egineering board spectrum and durable disease resistance in rice SERB
- Principal Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Engineering arabidopsis-specific nonhost resistance mechanism in rice for durable and board spectrum sheath blight resistance against Rhizoctonia Solari GOVT.OF ODISHA
- Principal Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Autophagy induced by cellular Stress Switches to apoptosis DBT
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Total Publications: 37
B. Wang, R. Sumit, B. B. Sahu, M. N. Ngaki, S. Srivastava, . Yang, S. Swaminathan, and M. Bhattacharyya,"Arabidopsis novel Glycine-rich plasma membrane PSS1 protein enhances disease resistance in Transgenic Soybean plants", Plant Physiology, vol.176, no.1, pp.865-878, American Society of Plant Biologists, January 2018, 10.1104/pp.16.01982 Article
D. Parween, E. Sultan, K. Dalei, and B. B. Sahu,"Arabidopsis nonhost resistance gene PENETRATION 2 is involved in disruption of cushion formation by Rhizoctonia solani during early infection process", Australasian Plant Pathology, Springer, January 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13313-020-00768-8 Article
B. B. Sahu, S. Kambakam, M. N. Ngaki, K. Dr, S. Prashant, S. R, W. S, R. Mk, and B.,"Arabidopsis Nonhost Resistance PSS30 Gene Enhances Broad-spectrum Disease Resistance in the Soybean Cultivar Williams 82", The Plant Journal, vol.107, no.5, pp.1432-1446, Wiley, September 2021, 10.1111/tpj.15392 Article
D. Parween and B. B. Sahu,"An Arabidopsis nonhost resistance gene, IMPORTIN ALPHA 2 provides immunity against rice sheath blight pathogen, Rhizoctonia solani", Current Research in Microbial Sciences, vol.3, pp.100109, Science Direct 2022, 10.1016/j.crmicr.2022.100109 Article
Basic Gene Cloning And Transgenic Techniques Life Science (Workshop)
- Coordinator
- 24 Feb 2024 - 25 Feb 2024
- Brochure
The 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Biological Sciences (InCoFIBS-2023) Life Science (Conference)
- Co-Coordinator
- 05 Oct 2023 - 07 Oct 2023
- Brochure
International Conference on “Omics of Plant-Pathogen Interaction with their implication” Life Science (Conference)
- Coordinator
- 16 Nov 2020 - 18 Nov 2020
- Brochure
Techniques to Understand Autophagic Processes in Mammalian Systems (TUAPMS) Life Science (Workshop)
- Co-Coordinator
- 26 Feb 2020 - 01 Mar 2020
- Brochure
- LS100 : Biology {Theory}
- LS1001 : Biology {Theory}
- LS2403 : Plant Science {Theory}
- LS318 : Plant Biotechnology {Theory}
- LS3405 : Genetics {Theory}
- LS503 : Molecular Genetics {Theory}
- LS5203 : Recombinant-DNA Science {Theory}
- LS5410 : Molecular Genetics {Theory}
- LS6012 : rDNA Biology {Theory}
- LS612 : rDNA Biology {Theory}
- EA2260 : Dance and Theatre {Practical}
- LS274 : Plant Science Laboratory {Practical}
- LS275 : Computational Biology Laboratory - I {Practical}
- LS3093 : Life Science Laboratory- III {Practical}
- LS373 : Genetics Laboratory {Practical}
- LS572 : Molecular Genetics Laboratory {Practical}
Ph.D. Students [8]
Identification and Characterization of a Nonhost Resistance Gene in Arabidopsis Against Rhizoctonia Solani for Durable and Broad-Spectrum Rice Sheath Blight Resistance
Daraksha ParweenEnrolled: Jul 2016Graduated : Sep 2022Supervisor
Identification and Characterization of a Nonhost Resistance Gene in Arabidopsis Against Rice Blast Pathogen Magnaporthe Oryzae
Eram SultanEnrolled: Jul 2014Graduated : Oct 2019Supervisor
AtMTHFR2 Regulated One-Carbon Metabolism Contributes Towards Broad-Spectrum Disease Resistance in Arabidopsis
Debasish PatiEnrolled: Jul 2018Thesis SubmittedSupervisor
Rishi KeshEnrolled: Aug 2021ContinuingSupervisor
Plant-microbe interaction under abiotic stress
Arya Kumar Dibyananda NaikEnrolled: Aug 2021ContinuingSupervisor
Reecha MohapatraEnrolled: Sep 2020ContinuingSupervisor
plant-pathogen interaction
Vivekananda MohantaEnrolled: Jul 2019ContinuingSupervisor
Plant Immunity
Kalpana DaleiEnrolled: Jan 2016ContinuingSupervisor
Awards And Honours
- SERB-Early Career Research Award, 2015
Memberships / Fellowships
- Life member of Odisha Botanical Society, 2023
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Iowa State University USA, 2009
- CSIR-UGC JRF, 2006
- CSIR-UGC JRF, 2004