National Institute of Technology Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान राउरकेला

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An Institute of National Importance

All Publications

Surabhi Verma

Assistant Professor Grade-II

S. Verma,"The Concept of 'Saptapancaka' as higher states of consciousness in tantrika discourse", Malini, vol.ix, no.22, pp.40-43, Ishwar Ashram Trust, June 2017       Article
S. Verma,"The transition phases in gross manifestation of limited consciousness (nidra, svapna & samadhi)", International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, vol.5, no.8(4), pp.75-89, IJMER, August 2016       Article
S. Verma,"Universal Consciousness and Spiritual Intelligence (With special reference to Kasmira Saivism)", in World Congress on Interrelationship among Arts, Culture, Humanities, Religion, Education, Ethics, Philosophy, Spirituality, Science and Society for Holistic Humane Development- Conference Proceedings, Krishi Sanskriti Publications, Jawarharlal Nehru University, 27th to 27th August 2016, New Delhi, Delhi, India, September 2016       Inproceedings
S. Verma,"Cognitive Science and Experience of Yoga (As an evidence of motion from finitude to infinitum)", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SANSKRIT RESEARCH "ANANTA", vol.2, no.4, pp.12-17, Tirupati Journal Solutions, House No. 169, Pocket C-11 Sector-3, Rohini, New Delhi, India 2016,       Article
S. Verma,"A study of the changing scenario about the architecture of Ancient Natyamandapa towards modern theatres", International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Educational Research., vol.4, no.11(3), pp.233-247, Sucharitha Publications, November 2015       Article
S. Verma,"Approaches to study language in the world (In the context of Sanskrit and modern Indian languages)", Chintan Research Journal, vol.2, no.3, pp.78-87, Aacharya Academy, September 2012       Article