National Institute of Technology Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान राउरकेला

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An Institute of National Importance

All Publications

Susanta Kumar Sahoo


L. Patra and S. K. Sahoo,"Combined extrusion and forging: A three-dimensional analysis", vol.1, pp.217-230, Nova Science Publishers, NIT Rourkela, January 2012       Book
L. N. Patra and S. K. Sahoo,"Combined extrusion and forging: A three-dimensional analysis", Mechatronics and Intelligent Manufacturing, ch.4, vol.1, pp.217-230, Nova Science Publishers, January 2012       Inbook
L. N. Patra, S. K. Sahoo, and M. Kumarmurmu,"Plastic flow through taper dies: a threedimensional analysis", International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineerin, vol.5, no.2, pp.925-930, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2011       Article
L. N. Patra, S. K. Sahoo, and M. Kumarmurmu,"Plastic flow through taper dies: A three dimensional analysis", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol.5, no.2, pp.452-454, World Academy of Science, December 2011,       Article
S. K. Sahoo, B. Sahoo, L., U., and P.,"Three-dimensional analysis of round-to-angle section extrusion through straight converging die", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.49, no.5-8, pp.505-512, Springer, July 2010, 10.1007/s00170-009-2427-7       Article
S. and S. K. Sahoo,"Numerical simulation of aluminium bar casting for wire rod production", Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, vol.69, pp.913-918, CSIR-NISCAIR, January 2010,       Article
R., P., S. K. Sahoo, B. Sahoo, and P. K. Kar,"Round-to-channel section extrusion through linearly converging die: A three-dimensional analysis", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.41, no.7, pp.677-683, Springer, April 2009, 10.1007/s00170-008-1511-8       Article
S. K. Sahoo and P. K. Kar,"Polygonal section extrusion from square billet through flat die - an application of upper-bound method", Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), vol.84, pp.12-18, Institution of Engineers (India) 2003       Article
Rk. Sahoo, P. K. Kar, and S. K. Sahoo,"3D upper-bound modeling for round-to-triangle section extrusion using the SERR technique", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol.138, no.1-3, pp.499-504, Elsevier 2003, 10.1016/S0924-0136(03)00128-6       Article
S. K. Sahoo,"An analysis of plastic flow through polygonal linearly converging dies: as applied to forward metal extrusion", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol.132, no.1-3, pp.286-292, Elsevier 2003, 10.1016/S0924-0136(02)00942-1       Article