National Institute of Technology Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

All Publications

Anurag Sharma

Assistant Professor Grade-II

R. Kurmi, A. Iangrai, and A. Sharma,"Review of pollutant release and its mobility due to sediment erosion in the river bed", Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2021), of pollutant release and its mobility due to sediment erosion in the river bed, vol.314, pp.550-557, Springer, lecture notes in civil engineering, July 2023, 10.1007/978-981-19-9151-6_45       Inbook
A. Sharma, H. Kumar, and B. Kumar,"One-Dimensional Velocity Distribution in Seepage Bed Open Channels Using Tsallis Entropy", ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, vol.9, no.4, American Society of Civil Engineers, August 2023, 10.1061/AJRUA6.RUENG-1041       Article
S. K. Shaw, A. Sharma, K. K. Khatua, and G. Oliveto,"An Integrated Approach to Evaluating CropWater Requirements and Irrigation Schedule for Optimizing Furrow Irrigation Design Parameters in Kurnool District, India", water, MDPI 2023,       Article
S. K. Shaw, A. Sharma, K. K. Khatua, and G. Oliveto,"An Integrated Approach to Evaluating CropWater Requirements and Irrigation Schedule for Optimizing Furrow Irrigation Design Parameters in Kurnool District, India", water, MDPI 2023,       Article
S. P. Bodapati, L. R. Pinakana, K. K. Khatua, and A. Sharma,"Effect of roughness on velocity distribution in diverging compound channels using experimental and numerical approaches", Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2023,       Article
A. Kumar, P. Kumar, and A. Sharma,"Structure of turbulent flow in a meander gravel bed channel", Recent Development in River Corridor Management, ch.structure of turbulent flow in a meander gravel bed channel, vol.376, pp.107-116, Springer, lecture notes in civil engineering b, August 2023, 10.1007/978-981-99-4423-1_8       Inbook
S. K. Shaw, A. Sharma, and K. K. Khatua,"Irrigation water requirement and irrigation schedule of sugarcane in Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh", Recent Development in River Corridor Management, ch.26, vol.376, pp.367-379, Springer, lecture notes in civil engineering- vol 376, August 2023, 10.1007/978-981-99-4423-1_26       Inbook
P. Kumar, A. Ojha, and A. Sharma,"Reynolds stress anisotropy with higher-order turbulence in flow through rigid emergent vegetation: an experimental Study", Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, Elsevier, October 2023, 10.1016/j.jher.2023.10.001       Article
A. Ojha, A. Kumar, P. Kumar, and A. Sharma,"Disaster Resilience and Green Growth", River, Sediment and Hydrological Extremes: Causes, Impacts and Management, ch.nature of bursting events over a rigid bed with emergent vegetation, pp.339-348, Springer Nature Singapore, October 2023, 10.1007/978-981-99-4811-6_19       Inbook
S. K. Shaw,, A. Sharma, G. Oliveto, and K. K. Khatua,"An Integrated Approach to Evaluating Crop Water Requirements and Irrigation Schedule for Optimizing Furrow Irrigation Design Parameters in Kurnool District, India", WATER, vol.15, MDPI, May 2023, View Details       Article