National Institute of Technology Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान राउरकेला

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An Institute of National Importance

All Publications

Sukesh Chandra Mohanty


S. Parida and S. C. Mohanty,"Free vibration and buckling analysis of functionally graded plates resting on elastic foundation using higher order theory", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, vol.18, no.4, World Scientific 2018, 10.1142/S0219455418500499       Article
S. Parida and S. C. Mohanty,"Nonlinear free vibration analysis of functionally graded plate resting on elastic foundation in thermal environment using higher order shear deformation theory", Scientia Iranica, Sharif University of Technology 2018, 10.24200/sci.2018.20227       Article
B. D. Kumar and S. C. Mohanty,"Free vibration and damping characteristics study of doubly curved sandwich shell panels with viscoelastic core and isotropic/laminated constraining layer", European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, vol.72, no.-, pp.424-439, Elsevier 2018, 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2018.06.008       Article
S. Parida and S. C. Mohanty,"Thermoelastic vibration analysis of functionally graded skew plate using nonlinear finite element method", Journal of Thermal Stresses, vol.40, no.9, pp.1111-1133, Taylor & Francis, March 2017, 10.1080/01495739.2017.1290513       Article
S. and S. C. Mohanty,"Free vibration of a rotating sandwich plate with viscoelastic core and functionally graded material constraining layer", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, vol.17, no.10, World Scientific Publishing 2017, 10.1142/S0219455417501140       Article
R. Inala and S. C. Mohanty,"Free vibration analysis of rotating plates in high thermal environments using the finite element method", International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration,, vol.22, no.1, pp.58-67, Nauchno-tekhnicheskii Tsentr, August 2017, 10.20855/ijav.2017.22.1451       Article
S. V. Joseph and S. C. Mohanty,"Temperature effects on buckling and vibration characteristics of sandwich plate with viscoelastic core and functionally graded material constraining layer", Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, SAGE, July 2017, 10.1177/1099636217722309       Article
S. V. Joseph and S. C. Mohanty,"Buckling and free vibration analysis of skew sandwich plates with viscoelastic core and functionally graded material constraining layer", Journal of Aerospace Engineering, pp.1-13, Sage, July 2017, 10.1177/0954410017727024       Article
B. D. Kumar, J., and S. C. Mohanty,"Free vibration and buckling study of doubly curved laminated shell panels using higher order shear deformation theory based on Sander's approximation", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Sc, vol.232, no.20, pp.3612–3628, SAGE 2017, 10.1177/0954406217740165       Article
R. Inala and S. C. Mohanty,"Flap wise bending vibration and dynamic stability of rotating functionally graded material plates in thermal environments", Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol.213, no.2, pp.203-217, Sage, March 2016, 10.1177/0954410016636152       Article