Welcome to NIT Rourkela
NIT Rourkela has a diversified academic program with 17 academic departments offering specialized courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels of studies. The Institute currently offers 21 undergraduate programs in the major disciplines of engineering, architecture, science, humanitiesand management, and post graduate programs in diversified fields of research areas. The Institute offers distinct programs such as B.Tech in Food Process Engineering, Biotechnology and Medical Engineering, Ceramic Engineering as well as Bachelor of Architecture to meet the demands of contemporarytimes. While the academic programs offered by NIT Rourkela are in tune with the National EducationPolicy, thequality of education is continuously upgraded by periodical revision of syllabi based on the needs of industry and academia.With different inclusive initiatives and the introduction of a standardized education policy, over the years, the Institute’s graduates have been great performers at professional frontsin India and abroad.With the focus on teaching and learning across departmental boundaries, the mix-technology and management skills,NITians have been valuable assetsto our country.
Today, NITRourkela is a highly prestigious institute with a reputation for excellence in research, consultancy and education at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels. It is passionately committed to making our country a world leader in technology and science and to inculcate this commitment among all its students. Our target is to be known around the world for our academic standards and to be counted among the best technological institutes of India in terms of innovation, entrepreneurship and creation of intellectual wealth.