Computer Laboratory
The laboratory is equipped with Surpac, Flac 2D&3D, Udec, Labview, Galena, Ventsim, Petrasim, Whittle, ArcGIS software
Geomechanics Laboratory
Computerised compression testing machine (HEICO), Digital Rheometer (Anton Parr, Germany), Triaxial Cell Unit, 100T Capacity (AIMIL)
Ground Control Laboratory
Blastmate DS – 677, Blastmate DS - 477
Material Handling Systems Laboratory
Anchorage Testing Machine, ,Conveyor Belt models, Direct Rope Haulage models, Main and Tail Rope Haulage models, Shaft Sinking and Shaft Winding models
Mining Geology Laboratory
Ion selective electrode, Flame photometer, Spectro photometer
Solid Fuel Technology Laboratory
Digital Bomb calorimeter (Parr), Crossing point temperature apparatus, Gas Desorption Apparatus