About the Department
Mining is the activity concerned with the extraction of minerals where as mining engineering is the practice of applying engineering principles to planning, development, operation, closure and reclamation of mines. Mining industry is in the lime light today, because it provides most of the raw materials required for the ever increasing demands of the society with regard to infrastructure, goods, services and energy. The Department of Mining Engineering at NIT Rourkela specializes in Mining Technology, Geomechanics and Strata Control, Mine Environment and Safety Engineering, Clean Coal Technology, Mine Planning, Mie Surveying, Mining Geology and Hydrologeology. It boasts the modern and sophisticated equipments for physical experimentation viz. DTA, AAS, Computer Controlled Compression Testing Machine, Ultrasonic Testing Machine, Rheometer, Gas Chromatograph, Digital Bomb Calorimeter, UV-visible Spectrphotomter, GPS, Total Station etc.
It also has the latest computing facilities with state-of-the-art software like Surpac, Flac 2D & 3D, Udec,Galena, Labview, Ventsim, Petrasim, Whittle, ArcGIS etc. The faculties regularly interact with industries and offer technical solutions to various problem faced by them. The Department regularly conducts continuing education programmes for the benefit of the professionals from industry and other academic, research and government regulatory organisations representing both national and international level. The current research focus of the Department includes coal mining technology, fly ash management, slope stability, spontaneous heating of coal and mine fires, modeling of coal bed methane, cumulative environmental impact assessment, and mine systems reliability.