About the Department
Physics is one of the oldest disciplines of natural science that deals with understanding nature of matter and its motion through space and time. The laws of Physics explain the evolution of cells to creation of universe. Some of the basic areas of research in Physics are Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, and Astrophysics. Currently the Department of Physics at NIT Rourkela is actively involved in teaching and research in various areas like Soft condensed matter physics, Bio-physics, Theoretical condensed matter physics, Non-linear dynamics, Multiferroic materials, Dielectrics, Ferroelectrics, Thin Films, Composite Polymers, Phase transition, low temperature physics, magnetic materials, carbon nano tubes, Energy Storage Devices, grapheme, High temperature superconductor etc.
To carry out research activities the department of Physics is equipped with some of the sophisticated instruments like XRD with Small angle X-ray scattering facility, Laser Light Scattering, Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching, Rheometer, Closed cycle He refrigerator, RF/DC magnetic sputtered thin film coating units, AC/DC resistivity measurement units, Precision Ferroelectric Characterization System.