National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

Composite Materials Laboratory

Planetary Ball Mill-Fritsch Pulverisette, 2 vials arrangement

Computational Metallurgy Laboratory


Electrometallurgy Laboratory

Potentiostat - Metrohm, Autolab PGSTAT 12 

Stylus Surface Profilometer (Veeco Dektak 150) 

Veeco Innova Scanning Probe Microscope

FRP-Composite Laboratory

DSC (Low Temperature) - DSC 822 (Mettler Toledo) - Prof. A K Mondal

FTIR-Microscope – Shimadzu , IR prestige-21- Prof. R K Prusty

UTM Machine (Instron-5967, Capacity- 30 kN with temperature chamber) - Prof. B C Ray

Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyser (Netzsch DMA 242E) - Prof. B C Ray

Mechanical Testing Laboratory

UTM (BISS, 100 kN capacity) - Prof. K. Dutta
INSTRON 8800, INSTRON 1195 - Prof. K. Dutta
Ball on Plate Wear Testing Machine (DUCOM) - Prof. A. Basu
Micro-hardness Testing Machine (Leco, Min. load 1 g) - Prof. A. Basu
Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine (FIE) - Prof. K. Dutta

Metallography and Heat Treatment Laboratory

Metallographic sample preparation facility
Optical microscopes – Zeiss, Axio Lab A1
Optical microscope with image analyzer – Zeiss, Axio Scope
Stereozoom microscope – Zeiss, Stemi 2000C
Muffle furnaces – Nabertherm, LT 15/14 and others

Powder Metallurgy Laboratory

Planetary Ball Mill (Fritsch): Inert atmosphere controlled (small sample volume) and Planetary Ball Mill (Fritsch, high sample volume)
- Prof. Anshuman Patra
Uniaxial hydraulic press (NanoTec, India) - Prof. Debasis Chaira
Apparent, Tap density testing machine - Prof. Debasis Chaira
Density measurement kit - Prof. Debasis Chaira
High energy dual-drive planetary mill-  Prof. Debasis Chaira

SEM Laboratory

SEM-JEOL-JSM-6480 LV with EDS attachment

Thermal Analysis Laboratory

TG-DSC/DTA (Netzsch) - Prof. Ajit Behera
Dilatometer (Netzsch) - Prof. Mithilesh Kumar
Particle Size Analyzer (Malvern) - Prof. Debasis Chaira
Heating Microscope (Leitz) - Prof. Ajit Behera
High Temperature Viscometer (Bahr) - Prof. Ajit Behera
Planetary Ball Mill (Fritsh) - Prof. Debasis Chaira
Tubular Furnace (Bysakh) - Prof. Santosh Kumar Sahoo
Overall In-charge - Prof. Santosh Kumar Sahoo


X-ray Diffractometer (With Texture Cradle) – Bruker D8 ADVANCE A25