National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

Mechanical Engineering (B.Tech. - 4yrs)

1 Function effectively as an Engineering professional as individual, and as a member or leader in diverse technical teams (term work, practical, mini project and project)
2 Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and core engineering subjects to define and apply them to solve Mechanical engineering problems
3 Identify, formulate, study literature, and analyse broadly-defined engineering problems in reaching substantiated conclusions using analytical tools appropriate to respective discipline or area of specialization like Thermal, Design and Production engineering blended with interdisciplinary technologies (mini project, project, industrial visits, guest lectures, workshops)
4 Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools (CNC machines, electrical discharge machines, electro chemical machines, optical microscopy, surface profilometer, data acquisition system, and softwares like Matlab, Ansys, Catia, Deform Solid Model etc.)
5 Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering technology and practice (T&P, co-curricular activity)
6 Nurture the graduates to become effective communicators [Communicate effectively on broadly-defined engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, by being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions ] (Business communication, Project work, Mini project, Seminars, co-curricular activity, extracurricular activity)
7 To provide suitable environment and motivation for research activity

1 To provide excellent preparation for a career in mechanical engineering and prepares students for a career at the forefront of technology
2 To train students in the methods of engineering science and in the application of these methods to conceive, organize and carry out the design of engineering systems
3 To provide opportunity for students to work as part of teams on multidisciplinary projects
4 To provide students with a sound foundation in the mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyze engineering problems and to prepare them for higher studies
5 To give students an experience with the multifaceted aspects of high end computers with latest software to solve real problems for design and analysis
6 To encourage students to develop an alternative carrier as an entrepreneur
7 To promote student awareness of the life-long learning and to introduce them to professional ethics and codes of professional practice

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
EE1000 Basic Electrical Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MA1003 Mathematics - I 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
PH1003 Waves and Optics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
LS1001 Biology 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
EA1270 Value Education and Ethics 1-0-0 1 Syllabus
CS1010 Programming for Problem Solving 1-0-2 2 Syllabus
ME1000 Workshop Practice 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
PH1070 Physics Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
Extra Academic Activity - I

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
CE1100 Engineering Mechanics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CH1400 Environment and Safety Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CY1002 Chemistry of Materials for Energy Applications 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EC1000 Basic Electronics Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MA1004 Mathematics - II 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
HS1300 Communicative English 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
CE1010 Computer Aided Drawing and Graphics 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
CY1170 Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
MA2001 Probability and Statistics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2105 Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2303 Engineering Thermodynamics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS2011 Introduction to AI and ML 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
ME2171 Machine Drawing and Solid Modelling 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME2271 Advanced Manufacturing Practice 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
EE2700 Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
Value Added Course - I
Humanities Elective - I
Additional Course - I

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ME2104 Kinematics of Machines 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2202 Primary Production Processes 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2302 Fluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2072 Mechanical Engineering Testing Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME2074 Mechanical Engineering Foundation Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
CS2672 AI and ML Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
HS2270 Language Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME2076 Mechanical Engineering DIY Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
Value Added Course - II
Technology in Society - I
Humanities Elective - II
Additional Course - II

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ME3101 Design of Machine Elements 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3201 Metal Machining and Automation 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3171 Machine Element Design Practice 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3073 Mechanical Engineering Application Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
Stream / Cluster Elective - I
Stream / Cluster Elective - II
Multidisciplinary Elective - I
Advanced Skill Development - I
Additional Course - III

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ME3304 Heat Transfer 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3070 Mechanical Engineering Advanced Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3270 Production Engineering Project 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3370 Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3670 Product Development Laboratory 0-0-0 1 Syllabus
Value Added Course - III
Stream / Cluster Elective - III
Stream / Cluster Elective - IV
Multidisciplinary Elective - II
Additional Course - IV

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ME4095 Capstone Project - I 0-0-0 4 Syllabus
ME4555 Special Topics by Industry Experts 0-0-0 1 Syllabus
ME4901 Seminar and Technical Writing 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
Stream / Cluster Laboratory Elective - I
Stream / Cluster Laboratory Elective - II
Stream / Cluster Laboratory Elective - III
Stream / Cluster Elective - V
Stream / Cluster Elective - VI
SIRE / EPICS Elective
Multidisciplinary Elective - III
Additional Course - V

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ME4908 Comprehensive Viva Voce 0-0-0 2 Syllabus
Stream / Cluster Elective - VII
Multidisciplinary Elective - IV
Multidisciplinary Elective - V
Capstone Project Elective - II

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ME1002 Basic Thermal Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2101 Mechanics of Solids 3-1-0 4 Syllabus
ME2103 Kinematics of Machines 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2104 Kinematics of Machines 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2105 Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2202 Primary Production Processes 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2204 CAD and CNC Programming Techniques 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
ME2206 CAD and 3-D Printing Technology 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
ME2301 Engineering Thermodynamics 3-1-0 4 Syllabus
ME2302 Fluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2303 Engineering Thermodynamics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2304 Basics of Electrical Vehicle Technology 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
ME2314 Introduction to Electric Vehicle Technology 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
ME3101 Design of Machine Elements 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3102 Dynamics of Machinery 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3103 System Dynamics and Control 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
ME3201 Metal Machining and Automation 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3202 Metal Cutting and Tool Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3231 Metrology, Quality Control and Reliability 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3301 Heat Transfer 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3302 Internal Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3303 Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulic Machines 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3304 Heat Transfer 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3334 Power Plant Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4001 Industrial Applications of Mechanical Engineering 1-0-0 1 Syllabus
ME4131 Mechanical Vibration 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4132 Mechatronics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4136 Robotics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4138 Computer Aided Design and Graphics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4232 Production and Operations Management 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4237 Decision Modeling 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4254 Semiconductor Manufacturing 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4255 Product Innovation and Startup Strategy 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4333 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4336 Electric Vehicle Technology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6145 Advanced Robotics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6148 Nonlinear Oscillation 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6151 Materials for Tribological Applications 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6154 Advanced Mechatronics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6211 Fundamentals of MEMS Technology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6212 Micro and Nano Manufacturing Technology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6232 Optimization Method in Engineering Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6235 Neural Network and Artificial Intelligence 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6237 Production Planning and Control 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6241 Production Management 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6244 Quality Engineering and Reliability 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6251 Additive Manufacturing 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6253 Reliability Analysis and Maintenance Management 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6254 Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6255 Product Innovation and Startup Strategy 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6335 Thermodynamics of Cryogenic System 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6344 Heat Transfer Equipments 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6353 Non-Conventional Energy Systems 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6363 Gas Turbine and Jet Propulsion 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6540 Fuel Cell Technology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME6545 Power Plant Technology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2072 Mechanical Engineering Testing Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME2074 Mechanical Engineering Foundation Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME2076 Mechanical Engineering DIY Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME2171 Machine Drawing and Solid Modelling 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME2172 Mechanics of Solids Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME2271 Advanced Manufacturing Practice 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME2272 Advanced Manufacturing Practice 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3070 Mechanical Engineering Advanced Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3073 Mechanical Engineering Application Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME3171 Machine Element Design Practice 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3270 Production Engineering Project 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3271 Production Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME3272 Production Engineering Project 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME3274 Product Development Project 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME3370 Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3371 Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3372 Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME3670 Product Development Laboratory 0-0-0 1 Syllabus
ME4171 Mechanical System Design Project 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME4172 Design Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME4174 Mechatronics and Robotics Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME4272 Industrial Engineering Project 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME4274 Innovative Project 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME4371 Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME4372 Thermal Engineering Design Project 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME4373 Heat Transfer and Refrigeration Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME6271 System Simulation Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
ME6279 Precession Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
ME2261 Basic Manufacturing Processes 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME2362 Thermal Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3161 Mechanics of Materials 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3262 Advanced Manufacturing Processes 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4162 Dynamics and Design of Machines 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME4361 Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
ME3071 Basic Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
ME3072 Advanced Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus

Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Credit
BM2500 Biomechanics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CE2502 Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CE3001 Estimation and Construction Management 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CE3301 Transportation Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CE3302 Advanced Transportation Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CH1400 Environment and Safety Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CR3211 Ceramics in Energy Sector 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS1002 Programming Fundamentals 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
CS2011 Introduction to AI and ML 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
CS3063 Object Oriented System Design 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS3064 Foundations of Data Science 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4064 AI in Healthcare 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4065 Machine Learning for Non-Programmers 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4066 Programming for Machine Learning 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4067 Principles of Soft Computing 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4213 Cybersecurity for Cyber Physical Systems 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS4214 Data Acquisition and Signal Processing 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CS6659 Number Theory and Cryptography 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
CY5308 Principles of Molecular Modeling and Applications 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE2003 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE2202 Power Electronics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE2401 Network Theory 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3004 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3011 Electrical Machines 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3100 Power Systems Operation and Control 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3112 Power Systems 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3201 Electric Drives 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3213 Semiconductor Fabrication Technology 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
EE3301 Principles of Control Systems Engineering 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE3412 Digital Electronics and Microprocessors 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE6243 Soft Computing Techniques 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE6245 Silicon Solar Cell Technology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE6262 Energy Storage Systems 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
EE6268 Energy Storage Systems 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
HS1313 Creative Writing 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
HS1314 Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
HS1333 Post-Liberalization Social Transformation in India 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
HS1345 Optimization Theory in Economics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
HS1349 Industry and Development 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MA1003 Mathematics - I 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MA1004 Mathematics - II 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MA2001 Probability and Statistics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MA2005 Numerical Methods 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MA2104 Complex Analysis 3-1-0 4 Syllabus
MA2305 Numerical Analysis 3-1-0 4 Syllabus
MM2102 Phase Transformation 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM2107 Basic Physical Metallurgy 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
MM2307 Introduction to Metal Extraction and Refining 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM2309 Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM2318 Iron and Steel Making 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM2502 History and Evolution of Materials 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
MM3205 Non-Destructive Evaluation of Metallic Materials 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
MM3206 Fundamentals of Mechanical Metallurgy 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM3301 Non-ferrous Metal Extraction 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM3302 Secondary Steel Making 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM3502 Additive Manufacturing 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM3508 Science and Engineering of Composite Materials 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM3509 Composite Materials: Principle and Practice 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM3510 Characterization of Materials 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM4109 Stainless Steel Technology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM4111 Casting and Solidification of Metals 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM4502 Advanced Materials and Processing 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM4504 High Temperature Materials 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM4506 Nanostructured Materials 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM4510 Advanced Processing of Materials 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
MM4514 Materials and Manufacturing Informatics 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
PA2114 Universal Design 2-0-0 2 Syllabus
PH3051 Science of Nano-materials 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
SM6102 Financial Management 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
SM6412 Operations Strategy 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
SM6441 Production Planning and Control 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
SM6611 Business Research Methodology 3-0-0 3 Syllabus
BM2700 Biomechanics Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
CE4703 Steel Structures Design Practice 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS1010 Programming for Problem Solving 1-0-2 2 Syllabus
CS2083 Hands-On with Operating Systems 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
CS2084 Object-Oriented Design & Development Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
CS2091 Python Programming for ML Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2093 Data Preprocessing Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2094 Text Analysis and NLP Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2095 IoT Prototyping Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2096 Cybersecurity for Cyber Physical Systems Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2098 Industrial IoT 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2099 IoT Data analytics 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS2672 AI and ML Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS3097 Basic Quantum Computing Programming 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
CS6658 Data Analytics Capstone Project 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
EA2110 Professional Culture and Lifestyle in Healthcare 0-0-1 1 Syllabus
EA2120 Personality Development 0-0-1 1 Syllabus
EA2170 Self-Defense 0-0-1 1 Syllabus
EA2260 Dance and Theatre 0-0-1 1 Syllabus
EA2270 Music 0-0-1 1 Syllabus
EA2310 Deutsch Sprache (German Language) 0-0-1 1 Syllabus
EA2410 Sustainable Living 0-0-1 1 Syllabus
EA2420 Indian Knowledge System 0-0-1 1 Syllabus
EA2430 Indian Language (Sanskrit) 0-0-1 1 Syllabus
EA2440 Entrepreneurship 0-0-1 1 Syllabus
EC2700 Basic Electronics Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
EE2701 Electrical Network Simulation Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
EE2703 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
EE2708 Electrical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
EE3703 Power Electronics Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
EE3712 Control Systems Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
EE3713 Power Electronics Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
EE4701 Power Systems Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
EE4711 Power Systems Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
HS1270 Language Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
MM2161 Fundamentals of Metallurgical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
MM2162 Metallography Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM2362 Process Metallurgy Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM2363 Mineral Dressing Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM2460 Computational and Numerical Techniques for Materials Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
MM2463 Thermodynamic Modelling of Metallic Systems 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM3264 Mechanical Testing Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM3460 Finite Element Modelling of Materials Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM3467 Molecular Modeling of Materials Deformation Behavior Laboratory 0-0-2 1 Syllabus
MM3563 Polymer and Composite Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM3564 Structural Characterization Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM4261 Joining of Metals Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM4560 Thermal Analysis Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM4563 Electrometallurgy and Corrosion Laboratory 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
MM4910 Industrial Internship/Start-up 0-0-9 6 Syllabus
PA1111 Design Fundamental 0-0-3 2 Syllabus
PA1211 Architectural Graphics - I 1-0-3 3 Syllabus