About the Department
Mechanical Engineering is often called the mother of all engineering. It covers a host of subjects: properties of materials, structural design, material processing, manufacturing, heat engines, refrigeration and air conditioning, industrial management, robotics and much more. The Mechanical Engineering Department of NIT, Rourkela is known for research in most of these fields. The main foci of research are on mechanical vibration, robotics, CAD/CAM, precision engineering, Metal forming, manufacturing, CFD, Industrial refrigeration and Cryogenics.
The academic programmes of the department reflect not only the core areas of Mechanical Engineer but also the research specialization of the faculty. The department at present has over one hundred research scholars pursuing projects on diverse fields. The faculty is organized under three divisions and six groups. All the groups are working in close co-operation while retaining individual identities. Many Research and Development projects being pursued by the faculty are sponsored by Government agencies and private industries. Among the major sponsors are BRNS, DST, ARDB, BRFST, HBL Power Systems and Lechier India Private Limited.