Seminar Details
Seminar Title:
Raindrop Size Distribution Analysis in Active vs. Break Spells of Summer Monsoon from 2018 to 2021 over Rourkela
Seminar Type:
Departmental Seminar
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Speaker Name:
Mr. Dola Tharun {roll No 521er1009}
Speaker Type:
ER-303 Class Room
Date and Time:
26 Sep 2024 04:40 PM
This study analyzed Raindrop Size Distributions (RSD) of summer monsoon rainfall over
eastern India from 2018 to 2021. Raindrops were divided into small, medium-sized drops,
and large-sized drops. The findings reveal that all-sized drops were more prevalent during
active spells than break spells. The Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of rain rate (R)
and liquid water content (log 10 W), mass-weighted mean diameter (D m ), and Normalized
intercept parameter (log 10 N w ) were analyzed. PDF of R and log 10 W showed a higher frequency
during break spells but higher values during active spells. Conversely, the D m and the log 10 N w
exhibited higher frequency and values during active spells. Convective precipitation was
higher than stratiform precipitation in both active and break spells. Distinct differences
between active and break spells were observed in the radar reflectivity-rainfall rate (Z–R)
relation and the shape and slope (μ–Λ) relation. The presence of higher concentrations of
raindrops of all sizes and the dominance of convective precipitation during active spells can
be attributed to the increased Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) and greater
liquid water content during active spells.