National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

Seminar Details

Seminar Title:
Facile low temperature synthesis of bismuth molybdate (Bi2MoO6) based nano-heterostructure materials for photocatalytic micropollutant remediation and photo-reduction reactions
Seminar Type:
Synopsis Seminar
Speaker Name:
Sibun Kumar Pradhan ( Rollno : 519cy1026)
Speaker Type:
Seminar Hall, Chemistry Department
Date and Time:
20 Nov 2024 10.30 AM
Prof. Braja Gopal Mishra

Rational design of semiconductor nano-heterostructure photocatalysts with broad spectrum UV-Vis response and enhanced optoelectronic features is a promising approach with potential application in waste water remediation and activation of atmospheric molecules to useful chemicals. In this research work, a series of visible light active heterostructure materials were designed by integrating bismuth molybdate (Bi2MoO6) with metal vanadates (BiVO4, InVO4, CeVO4) and metal ferrite (NiFe2O4, CaFe2O4) semiconductors. Initially, morphology-controlled synthesis of Bi2MoO6 is accomplished under reflux condition in a simple oil bath set up. The synthesis process is optimized by using different salt precursors, reaction duration, phase stabilizing agent and reaction media to obtain nanoplate as well as nanorod morphologies. The binary/ternary heterostructure materials were subsequently prepared by employing in situ synthesis strategies under mild reaction conditions. A comprehensive characterization of the synthesized materials was carried out by using different structural, spectroscopic, microscopic and photo-electrochemical techniques to understand their physicochemical properties. The defect enriched nano-heterostructure materials exhibited improved optoelectronic features, enhanced reactive radical generation ability and higher redox potential of e--h+ pairs in comparison to the pure semiconductors. The photocatalytic efficacy of the heterojunction materials has been demonstrated for complete mineralization of bisphenol A and ciprofloxacin from aqueous sources, green H2 production by water splitting reaction as well as photo-reduction of O2 and N2 to H2O2 and NH3. The charge mobilization mechanism in the heterostructure materials and the radical pathway for the photocatalyzed reactions have been elucidated by performing comprehensive band position analysis and radical trapping studies. The detailed results obtained from these studies and major conclusions drawn based on experimental investigations will be presented in the synopsis seminar.