Dr. Gopi Nath Daptary earned his Master’s degree in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore in 2013 and completed his Ph.D. in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics under the supervision of Prof. Aveek Bid at IISc Bangalore in 2018. During his doctoral studies, Dr. Daptary investigated various complex oxide systems, including ferromagnetic SrRuO3, metallic CaRuO3, and the metal-insulator transition in rare earth nickelate heterostructures, with a primary focus on LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures at sub-Kelvin temperatures and high magnetic fields. His Ph.D. thesis was titled “Electronic Transport in Low-Dimensional LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Heterointerfaces.” To further explore the interplay of different quantum phases, Dr. Daptary pursued postdoctoral research (2018–2021) with Prof. Aviad Frydman at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. There, he studied single-layer graphene (SLG) and disordered superconductors (DS), focusing on SLG/DS bilayers using various graphene growth methods and investigating the insulator-to-superconductor transition in disordered systems under variable temperature, magnetic field, and magnetic orientation conditions. Subsequently, he joined Dr. Shouvik Chatterjee's group at TIFR Mumbai as a Visiting Fellow (2021–2022), where he worked on electrical transport in Kagome materials. For his final postdoctoral stint (2022–2023), Dr. Daptary moved to the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan, where he worked with Prof. Yoshinori Okada to study the thermoelectric effects in spinel oxide superconductors. In April 2023, Dr. Daptary joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the National Institute of Technology Rourkela as an Assistant Professor.
Research Group
- Low Temperature Physics
Areas of Interest
- Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Gopi Nath Daptary Assistant Professor Grade-II
Physics and Astronomy
Gopi Nath Daptary
Assistant Professor Grade-II
Physics and Astronomy
Room Number:
Department of Physics and Astronomy, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Sundargarh, Odisha, India - 769008
Experimental Condensed Matter PhysicsIndian Institute of Science Bangalore
PhysicsIndian Institute of Science Bangalore
B.Sc (Hons)
PhysicsRamakrishna Mission Residential College Narendrapur (Under University of Calcutta)
Teaching Experience
- Teaching BTech, MTech, MSc, IMSc, PhD students, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, 31 Jul 2023 - Present
- Teaching Assistant on PH212 Experiments in Condensed Matter Physics, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, 01 Jan 2014 - 20 Apr 2014
Post Doctoral Research Experience
- Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan, 01 Aug 2022 - 25 Apr 2023
- Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, 14 Dec 2021 - 28 Feb 2022
- Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Bar-Ilan University Israel, 15 Sep 2018 - 31 Oct 2021
Total Publications: 13
G. N. Daptary, K. Udit, W. Eyal, Roy. Arnab, S. Efrat, and F. Aviad,"Enhancement of superconductivity upon reduction of carrier density in proximitized graphene", Physical Review B, vol.105, pp.l100507, American Physical Society 2022, 10.1103/physrevb.105.l100507 Article
B. D. W, C. Jia, D. Gianluca, B. F. C, Kuo. Chia-Nung, S. A. Bari, G. Barun, V. Ivana, F. Jun, Hsu. Kuan, W. Li-Min, A. Ori, G. N. Daptary, N. Doron, S. L. Chin, V. Mykhailo, A. Amit, Z. Lixue, and P. Antonio,"Unveiling the mechanisms ruling the efficient hydrogen evolution reaction with mitrofanovite pt3te4", The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol.12, no.35, pp.8627--8636, ACS Publications 2021, 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c01261 Article
G. N. Daptary, W. Eyal, S. Efrat, and F. Aviad,"Superconducting dirac point in proximetized graphene", Arxiv 2020, 10.48550/arxiv.2009.14603 Article
G. N. Daptary, K. H. Kumar, K. Pramod, D. Anjana, M. Narayan, T. A, and Bid. Aveek,"Effect of spin-orbit interaction on the vortex dynamics in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces near the superconducting transition", Physical Review B, vol.100, pp.125117, American Physical Society 2019, 10.1103/physrevb.100.125117 Article
G. N. Daptary, H. K. Kundu, J. Jesudasan, P. Kumar, A. Dogra, P. Raychaudhuri, R., and A. Bid,"Resistance fluctuations near the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature in low dimensional superconductors", in 2015 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF), IEEE 2015, 10.1109/ICNF.2015.7288555 Inproceedings
- PH5006 : Analog and Digital Electronics {Theory}
- PH6466 : Low Temperature Properties of Matter {Theory}
- PH1070 : Physics Laboratory {Practical}
- PH4072 : Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory {Practical}
- PH5074 : Thin Film and Low Temperature Physics Laboratory {Practical}
Ph.D. Students [2]
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Jagadis Prasad NayakEnrolled: Aug 2024ContinuingSupervisor
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Chandan MahapatraEnrolled: Jul 2024ContinuingCo-Supervisor
Awards And Honours
- Postdoctoral Scholar at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Japan, 2022
- Visiting Fellow at TIFR Mumbai, 2021
- Kolman Soref Postdoctoral fellowship by the Bar Ilan University, Israel, 2018
- Young scientist award – Materials Research Society of India (MRSI), SNBOSE, 2016
- Best Poster Prize at IISc Bangalore, 2015
- Integrated PhD scholarship from Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), India, 2011