Bankim Chandra Ray has been working at the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India since 1989. A dedicated academician with more than three decades of experience, Bankim Chandra Ray currently holds a full professor position since 2006 at the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India. He has been awarded Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India in 1993. Apart from instructing students in the field of Phase Transformation and Heat Treatment, he has also guided many Master's degrees and 18 Ph.D. scholars. He has made seminal contributions in the field of Phase Transformation and Heat Treatment and Composite Materials. An adept administrator, he has also served as the Dean of Faculty, Head of the Department of the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering department, and also an incumbent Coordinator of the Steel Research Center. His research interests are mainly focused on the mechanical behavior of FRP composites. He is leading the Composite Materials Group at NIT Rourkela, a group dedicated to realizing the technical tangibility of FRP composites (https://www.frpclabnitrkl.com). With numerous highly cited publications in prominent international journals, he has contributed extensively to world literature in the field of material engineering. He also holds a patent deriving from his research. With nearly 199 publications in international journals. and Prof. Ray also authored 7 books/book chapters from leading publishers. His association with several prestigious societies like the Indian Institute of Metals and Indian National Academy of Engineering and many more governmental and private organizations, the constant endeavor towards academics, and his field of specialization has been unparalleled and yet thoroughly inspiring for many of the young engineering minds. As an advisor to New Materials Business, Tata Steel Limited, he has been instrumental in facilitating the steel honcho’s foray into the composites business
Research Group
- Composites Materials
Areas of Interest
- Composites: Evaluation of Properties and Perforamnces
- Phase Transformations and Heat Treatments of Steels
Bankim Chandra Ray Professor HAG
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
0661 - 246 2559
Bankim Chandra Ray
Professor HAG
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Room Number: MS-219
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Sundargarh, Odisha, India - 769008
Environmental Degradation of FRP compositesIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Metallurgical EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Metallurgical EngineeringJadavpur University, Calcutta, India
Teaching Experience
- Polymer composite, Phase transformation, Heat treatment of Metallic Materials, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, 23 Jun 1989 - Present
Post Doctoral Research Experience
- Polymer composite, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, 01 Jan 1997 - 30 Jun 1997
Metal/FRP hybrid roller crash barrier. TATA STEEL LTD.
- Co-Investigator
- 2
- Completed Sponsored
Moister uptake kinetics and its subsequent effect on mechanical performance of nano-phased fibrous polymeric composite CSIR
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Effect of hygrothermal conditioning and cycling on cnt embedded gfrp composite:a study on marine environment durability. DRDO
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
The effect of shock wave, moisture and sea on de-bonding of multilayer in FRP composite systems-experimental and multi-scale modeling based investigation DRDO
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Prodding the magnetic behaviour of Sono-Electroplated nano structured Co/Cu and Ni/Cu magnetic alloy thin films by scanning probes. CSIR
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Analysis and Manipulation of structures and properties of sono-elecrochemical deposited nano-structured metallic thin films synthesized at low bath temperature SERB
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Failure Assessment of FRP Composite materials at low and high temperatures under different loading speeds CSIR
- Principal Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Neutralization of redmud through a OST effective method and utilization of redmud in removal of arsenic, zinc, cadmium metal ions from their aqueous solutions. CSIR
- Principal Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Thermal shocks on polymerization and depolymerizations of polymeric composites. MHRD
- Principal Investigator
- 29
- Completed Sponsored
Feasibility to use indigeneous coke for manufacturing of ferrocrome with low-phosphorous Indian Metals and Ferroalloys
- Principal Consultant
- 01 Sep 2023 - 30 Sep 2024
- Completed Consultancy
FRP composite TATA Steel Limited
- Principal consultant
- 01 Jun 2020 - 31 May 2023
- Completed Consultancy
FRP composites product development TATA Steel Limited, Jamshedpur
- Principal consultant
- 01 May 2020 - 01 May 2022
- Completed Consultancy
FRP quality assesment TATA Steel Limited
- Principal consultant
- 01 Apr 2018 - 01 May 2020
- Completed Consultancy
Feasibility study of advanced FRP composites for modern Indian structural applications TATA INAE
- Principal consultant
- 01 Jun 2016 - 31 May 2019
- Completed Consultancy
Low temperature property of CFRP composite ARDB-ADE
- Principal consultant
- 01 May 2013 - 01 Apr 2015
- Completed Consultancy
Total Publications: 174
. Shubham, C. S. Yerramalli, C. Sumant, R. K. Prusty, and B. C. Ray,"Finite element modelling and experimentation of plain weave glass/epoxy composites under high strain-rate compression loading for estimation of Johnson-Cook model parameters", International Journal of Impact Engineering, vol.167, pp.104262, Elsevier, September 2022, 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2022.104262 Article
. Shubham, R. K. Prusty, and B. C. Ray,"In-Situ Elevated Temperature Interlaminar Shear Response and Thermal Behavior of Graphene Nanoplatelet Reinforced Kevlar/Epoxy Laminated Composites", Polymer Science, Series B, vol.64, pp.553–566, Springer 2022, 10.1134/S1560090422700166 Article
R. K. Prusty, D. Rathore, B. P. Singh, S. C. Mohanty, K. Mahato, and B. C. Ray,"Experimental optimization of flexural behaviour through inter-ply fibre hybridization in FRP composite", Construction and Building Materials, vol.118, pp.327-336, Elsevier, August 2016, 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.05.054 Article
A. O. Fulmali, B. Sen, B. C. Ray, and R. K. Prusty,"Effects of carbon nanotube/polymer interfacial bonding on the long-term creep performance of nanophased glass fiber/epoxy composites", Polymer Composites, Wiley, September 2019, 10.1002/pc.25381 Article
. Shubham, R. K. Prusty, and B. C. Ray,"High Strain-Rate Through-Thickness Compression Testing of Symmetrical Inter-ply Hybrid Polymer Composites Reinforced with Carbon/Glass and Carbon/Kevlar Fibers", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, Springer 2022, 10.1007/s12666-022-02619-0 Article
Materials Technology: Advanced Processes and Characterizations Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Short-term Course)
- Co-Coordinator
- 10 Dec 2009 - 11 Dec 2009
- Brochure
- MM204 : Phase Transformation {Theory}
- MM301 : Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials {Theory}
- MM3102 : Phase Transformation {Theory}
- MM3103 : Heat treatment of Metallic Materials {Theory}
- MM311 : Phase Transformation {Theory}
- MM314 : Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials {Theory}
- MM5122 : Joining of Metals {Theory}
- MM611 : Phase Transformation of Materials {Theory}
- MM6112 : Phase Transformation {Theory}
- MM789 : Product Development Laboratory {Practical}
Ph.D. Students [19]
Effect of Carbon Nanotube Functionalization and Alignment on the Out-of-Plane Mechanical Performance and Environmental Durability of GFRP Composites
Abhinav Omprakash FulmaliEnrolled: Jul 2018Graduated : Dec 2023Co-Supervisor
Mechanical Bhavior Studies of Interpenetrating Polymer Network Based Hierarchical Composites Incorporating Glass Fiber, Nano-Al2O3 and Al Alloy Reinforcements
B N V S Ganesh Gupta KEnrolled: Jul 2018Graduated : May 2023Supervisor
High Strain-Rate Compressive Behaviour of Plain Weave Fiber/Epoxy Composites: Numerical Simulation and Experimentation
ShubhamEnrolled: Jul 2018Graduated : Feb 2023Supervisor
Influence of Temperature on Mechanical Performance of Glass Fiber/epoxy Composite with Continuous and Discontinuous Secondary Carbon Fiber Reinforcement
Srinivasu DasariEnrolled: Jan 2018Graduated : Apr 2023Co-Supervisor
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Deformation Behavior of Nanocrystalline Al and CNT Reinforced Nanocrystalline Al Nanocomposites
Pokula Narendra BabuEnrolled: Jan 2018Graduated : May 2023Co-Supervisor
Loading Response of Laminated CFRP Composites with Hole/Cutout: Geometrical Design Effect on Material Strength and Failure Mechanism
Savita GuptaEnrolled: Jul 2016Graduated : Jul 2023Co-Supervisor
Mechanical Behavior of Graphene Nanofiller Grafted Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
Gangineni Pavan KumarEnrolled: Jan 2017Graduated : Apr 2022Supervisor
Environmental Durability of Multiscale Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composites: An Assessment on Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Evaluation
Kishore Kumar MahatoEnrolled: Jul 2014Graduated : Oct 2020Supervisor
Development of Alumina and Silica based Nanocomposites using Graphite Nanoplatelets and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as Reinforcement
Nidhi SharmaEnrolled: Jul 2014Graduated : Apr 2019Co-Supervisor
Implication of CNT Fillers on Environmental Durability of GFRP Composites: An Evaluation of Microstructural Features and Mechanical Properties
Rajesh Kumar PrustyEnrolled: Apr 2014Graduated : Dec 2017Supervisor
Flexural Behaviour of Nano-Filler Enhanced and Inter-Ply Hybrid FRP Composites at Different In-Situ Elevated Temperatures
Dinesh Kumar RathoreEnrolled: Sep 2012Graduated : Sep 2017Supervisor
Creep, Tensile and Corrosion Behaviour of Ca and/or Sb Added AZ91 Mg Alloys
Anil Kumar Singh BankotiEnrolled: Jul 2012Graduated : Jul 2017Co-Supervisor
Electrochemically Controlled Synthesis of Few-layer Graphene Nanosheets and its Evaluation for Applications
Sumanta Kumar SahooEnrolled: Jul 2011Graduated : Jul 2017Co-Supervisor
polymer composite
Sanghamitra SethiEnrolled: Jul 2010Graduated : Apr 2015Supervisor
Material Science
Khushbu DashEnrolled: Aug 2009Graduated : Jul 2014Supervisor
FRP Composite & Nano Composite
Tanmoy AdhikaryEnrolled: Jul 2024ContinuingSupervisor
FRP Composites
Enamul Hussain KhanEnrolled: Jul 2024ContinuingCo-Supervisor
Recycling of FRP Composites
Gandi RohithEnrolled: Sep 2023ContinuingCo-Supervisor
Pankaj KumarEnrolled: Jul 2023ContinuingSupervisor
Executive Ph.D. Students [1]
Hybrid FRP composite materials
Bibhu Prasanna SahooEnrolled: Sep 2020ContinuingCo-Supervisor
Awards And Honours
- Listed among top 2% materials scientist list prepared by the University of Stanford., 2020
- Appointed as the editor of the Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals – Springer, 2020
Memberships / Fellowships
- The Computer Society of India, 2002
- The Indian Society of Technical Education, 1999
- The Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1998
- Indian Institute of Metals, 1996
- The Institute of Engineers (India), 1995