My research focuses mainly on lithospheric deformation, Earthquake occurrence processes, Great earthquake cycles, Earthquake interaction, and triggering process, Non-Volcanic Tremors and Slow-slip events, Plate boundary vs Plate interior deformation process, Earthquakes-Volcano interaction and vice-versa, Tectonics and climatic interactions process, Human-induced deformation and Lithosphere-Ionosphere coupling processes. We use field observations, seismological and geodetic measurements, and remote sensing to develop kinematic and dynamic models in order to better understand these complex systems, to conduct fundamental research on “Tectonic Geodesy” and various natural hazards, e.g., earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami and climate change toward safer and more sustainable societies. Visit for more information @ https://www.tectonicgeodesylab.in/
Research Group
- Structure and Tectonics
Areas of Interest
- Geophysics & Tectonic Geodesy
Bhaskar Kundu Associate Professor
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
0661 - 246 2936
Bhaskar Kundu
Associate Professor
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Room Number: ER-308
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Sundargarh, Odisha, India - 769008
Geophysics (Geodynamics of Indo Burmese Arc region, NE-India)CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute & Osmania University, Hyderabad
Applied GeologyJadavpur University, Kolkata
B.Sc (Hons)
Geology (Hons), Physics, MathematicsJadavpur University, Kolkata
Teaching Experience
- Earth Science, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, 27 Feb 2014 - Continue
Post Doctoral Research Experience
- Geophysics, CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute & Osmania University, Hyderabad, 28 Jan 2013 - 26 Feb 2014
Laboratory Development
- Structural Geology Lab, NIT Rourkela, Different structural occurred in rock
- Earthquake Simulation Laboratory, NIT Rourkela, For generating Lab quakes and their cycle, compare them with natural earthquake cycles.
- Tectonic Geodesy Lab, NIT Rourkela, different plate boundaries
Crustal deformation study across Narmada-Son failed rift zone, central India. Moes
- Principal Investigator
- 60
- Completed Sponsored
Great earthquake cycle and episodic slow-slip interaction: Insight from analogue exprimental approach. Moes
- Principal Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Total Publications: 72
B. Kundu, D. Panda, V. K. Gahalaut, and J. K. Catherine,"The August 21, 2017 American total solar eclipse through the eyes of GPS", Geophysical Journal International, vol.214, no.1, pp.651–655, Oxford, July 2018, 10.1093/gji/ggy149 Article
R. K. Yadav, B. Kundu, K. Gahalaut, and V.,"The 12 May 2015 Kodari earthquake (Mw 7.3) in central Nepal: delayed triggering by the 25 April 2015 Gorkha earthquake (Mw 7.8)", Current Science, vol.114, no.7, pp.1534-1539, I-Scholar Publishers, April 2018, 10.18520/cs/v114/i07/1534-1539 Article
B. Kundu, N. K. Vissa, D. Panda, B. Jha, R. Asaithambi, B. Tyagi, and S. Mukherjee,"Influence of a meteorological cycle in mid-crustal seismicity of the Nepal Himalaya", Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol.146, pp.317-325, Elsevier 2017, 10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.06.003 Article
K. Gahalaut, B. Kundu, V. Gahalaut, and A. Hassoup,"Long-term and annual influence of Aswan reservoir (Egypt) on the local seismicity: a spatio-temporal statistical analysis", Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol.174, no.1, pp.133–150, Springer, January 2017, 10.1007/s00024-016-1397-6 Article
B. Kundu, N. K. Vissa, and V.,"Influence of anthropogenic groundwater unloading in Indo-Gangetic plains on the 25 April 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake", Geophysical Research Letters, vol.42, no.24, pp.10607-10613, American Geophysical Union Publication/John Wiley & Sons, December 2015, 10.1002/2015GL066616 Article
- ER5102 : Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology {Theory}
- ER5103 : Sedimentary Petrology {Theory}
- ER511 : Physical Geology {Theory}
- ER512 : Crystallography and Mineralogy {Theory}
- ER513 : Structural Geology {Theory}
- ER515 : Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology {Theory}
- ER5201 : Earth System Science {Theory}
- ER526 : Geophysical Methods {Theory}
- ER529 : Tectonic Geodesy: Crustal Deformation and Active Tectonics {Theory}
- ER5301 : Structural Geology {Theory}
- ER5342 : Exploration Geophysics {Theory}
- ER6023 : Introduction to Earth Science {Theory}
- ER607 : Application of Tectonic Geodesy {Theory}
- ER5371 : Structural Geology Laboratory {Practical}
- ER572 : Structural Geology Laboratory {Practical}
- ER574 : Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Laboratory {Practical}
- ER582 : Coal Geology Laboratory {Practical}
- ER5880 : Field Work {Practical}
Ph.D. Students [6]
Fault Resonance Process and its Implication for Active Fault Systems
Batakrushna SenapatiEnrolled: Jan 2018Graduated : Apr 2024Supervisor
Geodynamics of the Indo-Burmese Arc: Northwest Sunda Arc
Dibyashakti PandaEnrolled: Jul 2016Graduated : Sep 2021Supervisor
Decoding Dynamics of Magmatic Systems and Interactions with External Stress Perturbations
Sambit SahooEnrolled: Aug 2019Thesis SubmittedSupervisor
Interaction of megathrust earthquakes and slow slip events
Sayak RayEnrolled: Aug 2021ContinuingSupervisor
Himalayan deformation, along strike segmentation and seismic hazard
Prohelika DalalEnrolled: Aug 2021ContinuingSupervisor
Great earthquake cycle and episodic slow slip interaction: Insight from analogue experimental approach
Deepak Kumar TiwariEnrolled: Jan 2020ContinuingSupervisor
Awards And Honours
- Elected as Life Fellow of the Indian Social Science Academy (ISSA), 2022
- Young Researcher award, Geosciences, from the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, 2022
- Research Excellence Award for outstanding researcher by NIT Rourkela, Alumni Association, 2019
- Outstanding contribution in Reviewing (by Journal of Asian Earth Sciences), 2017
- ISES Order of Merit Award for outstanding works in Earthquake sciences (Young Scientist), 2015
- University Gold medal in M.Sc., Applied Geology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2007
- Promoth Nath medal, M.Sc., Applied Geology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2007
- National Scholarship, B.Sc. Geology, 2005
Memberships / Fellowships
- Life Fellow of the Indian Social Science Academy (ISSA)., 2021
- Member of Indian Society of Earthquake Science, 2016