Dr. Das received his B. Sc. Physics (Hons) and M. Sc. (Physics) degrees from the University of Delhi. He subsequently moved to the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi to pursue M. Tech. and Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Earth System Physics section of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy from October 2016 to February 2022 and as a researcher at the Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University from March 2022 to May 2023. He then moved to the National Institute of Technology Rourkela in June 2023 as an Assistant Professor. His research interests are aerosol-climate interaction, earth system modelling, monsoon dynamics, climate change, and climate sensitivity.
Research Group
- Climate Dynamics and Modelling
Areas of Interest
- Aerosol climate interaction
- Earth System Modeling
- Monsoon dynamics
- Climate sensitivity
- Climate change
SUSHANT DAS Assistant Professor Grade-II
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor Grade-II
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Room Number:
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Sundargarh, Odisha, India - 769008
Atmospheric SciencesIndian Institute of Technology Delhi
Atmospheric SciencesIndian Institute of Technology Delhi
PhysicsUniversity of Delhi
Teaching Experience
- Atmospheric Sciences, NIT Rourkela, 05 Jun 2023 - Present
Post Doctoral Research Experience
- Aerosol climate interaction in next generation earth modelling systems, Stockholm University, 01 Mar 2022 - 31 May 2023
- Regional Climate modelling, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy, 01 Oct 2016 - 28 Feb 2022
Regional characterization of atmospheric aerosols from selected distinct locations of India: ARFI Project ISRO
- Principal Investigator
- 24
- Running Sponsored
Total Publications: 40
M. Pyarimohan, K. Dhirendra, S. Das, T., N. Marc, and R.,"projected changes in heatwaves and its impact on human discomfort over india due to global warming under the cordex-core framework", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Springer Science and business media llc 2023 Article
G. Soumik, M. A. J, S. A. C, B. R, and S. Das,"Signals of northward propagating monsoon intraseasonal oscillations (misos) in the regcm4.7 cordex-core simulation over south asia domain", Climate Dynamics, vol.61, no.7–8, Springer Science and business media llc 2023 Article
P. Manas, B. R, G. Soumik, S. Das, and M. R. K,"How climate change is affecting the summer monsoon extreme rainfall pattern over the indo-gangetic plains of india: present and future perspectives", Climate Dynamics, no.1, pp.1-21, Springer Science and business media llc 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-023-06953-x Article
P. Manas, B. R, G. Soumik, S. Das, and M.,"Will warming climate affect the characteristics of summer monsoon rainfall and associated extremes over the gangetic plains in india?", Earth and Space Science, vol.10, no.2, American Geophysical Union (agu) 2023 Article
S. Ghosh, S. Dey, S. Das, N. Riemer, G. Giuliani, D. Ganguly, C. Venkataraman, F. Giorgi, S. N. Tripathi, S. Ramachandran, T. A. Rajesh, H. Gadhavi, and A. K. Srivastava,"Towards an improved representation of carbonaceous aerosols over the indian monsoon region in a regional climate model:{regcm}", Geoscientific Model Development, vol.16, no.1, pp.1--15, Copernicus 2023, 10.5194/gmd-16-1-2023 Article
- ER5603 : Parameterization of Physical Process {Theory}
- ER6020 : Tropical Meteorology {Theory}
- ER6021 : Introduction to Climate Science {Theory}
- ER5674 : Climate Diagnostics Laboratory {Practical}
- ER6073 : Programming Laboratory {Practical}
Ph.D. Students [2]
Aerosol Interactions with Radiation, Clouds, and Precipitation During Distinct Meteorological Scenarios over the Indian Subcontinent
Ankan SarkarEnrolled: Jul 2019Thesis SubmittedCo-Supervisor
Aerosol-Climate Interaction
Anushri PalEnrolled: Jan 2025ContinuingSupervisor
Executive Ph.D. Students [1]
Climate Change
Sruthi SEnrolled: Jul 2024ContinuingSupervisor
Awards And Honours
- Best group project in the 10th ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate model held during 8-12 Nov, 2021 (online mode) at The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste Italy. Role- group leader for the South Asia CORDEX domain, 2021
- The Abdus Salam ICTP travel award to participate in the 8th ICTP Workshop on “The Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models” held during 12-23 May, 2014 at The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste Italy, 2016
- The Abdus Salam ICTP travel award to participate in workshop on “Wildfires and their Environmental Impacts”, held during 22-26 June, 2015 at The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste Italy, 2015
- Faculty Alumni Network (FAN) travel grant to participate in FAN meeting held during 15-16 January, 2015 at Goa, India, 2015
- American Geophysical Union (AGU) Student Travel Grant to attend AGU Fall meeting held during 15-19 December 2014 at San Francisco, USA, 2014
- 2nd Best Paper Award in conference of Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA-2014) conference held during 11-13 November 2014 at Varanasi, India, 2014
- 3rd Best Paper Award in conference of Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA-2012) conference held during 11-13 December 2012 at Mumbai, India, 2012
- Secured 1st position in M.Tech course at Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, 2011
- Qualified (CSIR-JRF-NET)-June 2009 Examination in Physical Sciences with all India Rank 97 organized by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and University Grant Commission (UGC) under the Eligibility for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Lectureship (NET), 2009
- Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE-2009) organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Government of India and Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST-2009) in Physics, 2009
Memberships / Fellowships
- Indian Meteorological Society (IMS) Life member (LM3872), 2024
- European Geosciences Union, 2020
- American Geophysical Union, 2020
- ICTP Post Doctoral Fellowship, 2016
- Awarded Senior Research Fellowship (CSIR-SRF) by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, January 2012-December 2014, 2014
- Awarded Junior Research Fellowship (CSIR-JRF) by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, January 2010-December 2011, 2011