Dr. Subrata Maiti is currently a faculty member with NIT Rourkela in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Previously he was with the wireless industry for almost six years. He was working as a research engineer in C-DOT Bangalore, and the Hardware Engineer in Kyocera wireless India Private Limited. He received PhD Degree from NIT Rourkela in the broad research area of Ground Penetrating Radar modelling and signal processing in year 2017. He has research experience of more than 12 years in the area of ground radar imaging, detection and classifications of buried objects and has contributed to setting up GPR testing facility at NIT Rourkela. His primary research focus is to develop complex algorithms for radar object detection and classification to serve various domestic as well as military applications.
Research Group
- Communication, Microwave and Radar
Areas of Interest
- Ground penetrating radar (GPR)
- Radar Signal Processing
- RF circuit design
Subrata Maiti
सुव्रत मैती
Associate Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
0661 - 246 2468
Subrata Maiti
Associate Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Room Number: EC-412
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Sundargarh, Odisha, India - 769008
Analytical Modelling of Ultra-Wide Band Ground Penetrating Radar for Characterization of Subsurface MediaNIT Rourkela
Microwave EngineeringIIT Kanpur
Electronics and Communication EngineeringNIT Durgapur (REC Durgapur)
Teaching Experience
- Microwave and Radar Engineering, NIT Rourkela, 2011-07-28 - Present
- Electronics and Communication Engineering, KIIT University, 2010-07-16 - 2010-11-27
Industrial Experience
- High Power Microwave (HPM), IIT Kharagpur, 2010-12-02 - 2011-07-22
- CDMA phone development, Kyocera Wireless India Pvt. Ltd., 2005-06-02 - 2007-12-20
- WCDMA Base Station Power Amplifier, Center for Development of Telematics, 2002-08-01 - 2005-05-24
Laboratory Development
- Radar System Design Laboratory, NIT Rourkela, Design of FMCW, SFCW, pulse Radar
Reduction of Radar Cross Section (RCS) using Metamaterial for Security Application DRDO
- Co-Investigator
- 36
- Running Sponsored
Development of ground penetrating radar for detection of subsurface objects. SERB
- Principal Investigator
- 36
- Completed Sponsored
Total Publications: 29
S. Maiti, S. K. Patra, and A. Bhattacharya,"Modeling GPR signal for fast and accurate characterization of layered media", in 2015 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC), pp.1-5, IEEE, Burleigh Court International Conference Centre, Off Ashby Road (A512) Loughborough University (West Park), Loughborough LE11 3GR,, November 2015, 10.1109/LAPC.2015.7366068 Inproceedings
S. Maiti, S. K. Patra, and A. Bhattacharya,"A modified plane wave model for fast and accurate characterization of layered media.", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.65, no.9, pp.3492-3502, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 2017, 10.1109/TMTT.2017.2668416 Article
S. Maiti, R. K. Karnena, S. Maity, and A. Bhattacharya,"A novel bi-static GPR model to simulate two-layered subsurface media", in N.A, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, September 2020, https://doi.org/10.1190/gpr2020-098.1 Inproceedings
Futuristic Trends in Remote Sensing using IoT enabled UAVs with Microwave Sensor Electronics and Communication Engineering (Workshop)
- Co-Coordinator
- 22 Jan 2024 - 28 Jan 2024
- Brochure
Short Term Course On Design & Simulation of Antenna and Microwave Devices Electronics and Communication Engineering (Short-term Course)
- Co-Coordinator
- 03 Jun 2015 - 10 Jun 2015
- Brochure
- EC100 : Basic Electronics Engineering {Theory}
- EC1000 : Basic Electronics Engineering {Theory}
- EC2010 : Digital System Design {Theory}
- EC312 : Electromagnetic Theory {Theory}
- EC341 : Digital Signal Processing {Theory}
- EC3505 : Microwave Engineering {Theory}
- EC3601 : Digital Signal Processing {Theory}
- EC611 : Digital Communication {Theory}
- EC612 : Antenna Analysis and Synthesis {Theory}
- EC616 : Microwave Engineering {Theory}
- EC6404 : Analytical and Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics {Theory}
- EC6405 : Advanced Electromagnetic Theory {Theory}
- EC6406 : Radar System Design and Modelling {Theory}
- EC270 : Basic Electronics Laboratory {Practical}
- EC2700 : Basic Electronics Laboratory {Practical}
- EC2705 : System Modelling and Design Laboratory {Practical}
- EC274 : Analog Electronics Laboratory {Practical}
- EC367 : Product Development Laboratory – I {Practical}
- EC3705 : Digital Signal Processing Laboratory {Practical}
- EC375 : Digital Signal Processing Laboratory {Practical}
- EC377 : Electronics Design Laboratory {Practical}
- EC378 : Microwave Laboratory {Practical}
- EC6474 : Radar System Design Laboratory {Practical}
- EC679 : Antenna Design and Simulation Laboratory {Practical}
- EC771 : Digital Communication Laboratory {Practical}
- EC791 : Microwave Devices Laboratory {Practical}
Ph.D. Students [6]
Development of Different Radio Tomographic Imaging Techniques by Exploiting Sparsity.
Abhijit MishraEnrolled: Jan 2018Graduated : Aug 2024Co-Supervisor
Development of Efficient Analytical Models for Investigation of Subsurface Media and Buried Objects by Ground Penetrating Radar
Rohit Kumar KarnenaEnrolled: Jan 2018Thesis SubmittedSupervisor
RADAR signal Processing
Sangeeta TaraiEnrolled: Jan 2020ContinuingCo-Supervisor
,Electromagnetics, Ground Penetrating Radar, Antenna modelling
Himansu Sekhar SenapatiEnrolled: Jul 2019ContinuingSupervisor
Buddepu Santhosh KumarEnrolled: Jul 2019ContinuingCo-Supervisor
Ground Penetrating Radar Signal Processing
Swarna Laxmi PandaEnrolled: Jan 2018ContinuingSupervisor
Executive Ph.D. Students [2]
MIMO Antennas
Priya SharmaEnrolled: Aug 2023ContinuingSupervisor
Sandeep Naga KorleparaEnrolled: Aug 2021ContinuingSupervisor
Memberships / Fellowships
- Member (IEEE),