National Institute of Technology Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance


Course Details

Subject {L-T-P / C} : SM6172 : Management Games Laboratory { 0-0-2 / 2}

Subject Nature : Practical

Coordinator : Dr. Manvendra Pratap Singh


Lab 1: Ice Breaker Game: Writing various questions on an inflated beach ball and throw it around the class. Whoever catches it is to answer one of the items written on it.
Lab 2: Back to Back Drawing: Two people to be seated back to back. One is given an image of a shape, while the other receives paper and a pencil. The former is to describe the form to the latter without telling what the structure is. The latter is to draw it based on the description provided.
Lab 3: The Mixed Picture Puzzle: The two teams receive two puzzles with some mixed-up puzzle pieces. Whoever can finish the task first wins.
Lab 4: Two Truths and a Lie: Each student is to write down three sentences- two facts and one lie. When each of them reads aloud the statements, the rest is to guess the lie.
Lab 5: Building Towers: Two groups receive bundles of newspapers. A scissor and tape are kept familiar between the two. Both teams have to make the tallest building in 10 minutes. Whoever builds the highest building, wins.
Lab 6: Competition among Groups of students against each other as they try to add value to their companies.
Lab 7: Business Strategy Game in which students with a few lakhs of rupees on hand analyze the financial and operational strategy of the business as enterpreneur.
Lab 8: Product life cycle implementation: Students have to come up with a product or service concept and take it forward till the product launch and advertising.
Lab 9: Making advertisements: Students are asked to create advertisements for a product or service in groups. The advertisements should be on radio, TV, and print media, along with captions.
Lab 10: Waste to best: Students are asked to create a new product from the waste material given to them.
Lab 11: Ludo Match

Course Objectives

  • To develop a holistic perspective towards management
  • To be able to put management ideas into practice
  • The course will develop observational skills and enhance communication skills.
  • It will build the presence of mind, leadership quality, and teamwork capability. It will teach how one can make the fullest out of minimum resources and learn the concept of sustainability and reduce, recycle and reuse.

Course Outcomes

This lab would help students to become more disciplined and enhance their management skills. This lab will help students to think out of the box to stand out and reach out to every nook and corner of their minds to enhance creativity. This lab will help to learn how to manage finances better, which will be handy in daily life and business.

Essential Reading

  • G Mohan, India Business Quiz, Web based ,
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Supplementary Reading

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