Seminar Details
Seminar Title:
Adopting district energy system in Indian context- what are the promises and obstacles
Seminar Type:
Departmental Seminar
Planning and Architecture
Speaker Name:
Dr. Roshmi Sen
Speaker Type:
Seminar room, Dept of Planning and Architecture
Date and Time:
14 May 2024 12noon
A district energy system (DES) has the potential to bring about a paradigm shift in individual
building heating and cooling and create a resource efficient neighbourhood. The system offers
higher efficiency and can generate alternate renewable energy solutions. In a DES, underground
piping network carries chilled/hot water to heat exchangers in buildings from centralized
chiller/boiler plant for cooling/heating purpose and the system may also combine with power
generation. In India, district cooling is relevant for majority of climate zones. In 2019 UNEP started
advocating DES in India and recently in 2023 a new guideline came up advocated by the Bureau of
Energy Efficiency of India. Though previously DES has been a success in Gift City Gujrat and few
other affluent parts of India, its potential has been challenged by a recent techno-economic study
carried out in Bhubaneswar, a Tier-I city, the capital of Odisha and one of the major growth centres
of east India. Our study aims at carrying out feasibility analysis of DES in Rourkela, a steel township
and Tier-II city of the same state. Rourkela enjoys a high rank as a coveted ‘smart city’ of India. The
city’s new domestic airport, that came up in January 2023 upon conversion of the Steel authority’s
pre-existing private airport, is going through an airport-based development with upcoming high
income residential settlements around. The mixed land-use has a potential of providing ‘anchor’
buildings generating requisite cooling demand during daytime to balance residential cooling demand
at night. Our study would map the cooling demand in these buildings using bottom-up primary
surveys. We would assess ‘promises’, in terms of energy and emission gains, and ‘obstacles’ in
terms of technical, economic and human behavioural barriers towards implementing DES in such
urban Indian context, acting as a pathway towards cooling decarbonisation in buildings and urban
green futures.